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Was diagnosed with CML 3 weeks ago and prescribed Hydroxycarbamide, was told I'd be on this for four weeks  felt a bit quesy in the mornings, but that passed once I had breakfast and had a few slight nose bleeds, which stopped. But was in for blood tests yesterday and my consultant has now put me on Imatinib. So It's back to seeing how things go. 

I'm an upbeat positive person, and I plan to carry on as normal.  have decided to learn to swim as a way of keeping fit, I do walk but have arthritis so not as much as I'd like.

My other concern is that I have a stoma, so I'm hoping that the Imatinib doesn't affect that. I've had it for over twenty years so know what I can and can't eat.

Anyone got any advice or how did the Imatinib affect you?

  • Hi  and welcome to this corner of the Community but sorry to see why you have joined.

    Are we talking Orkney way up north?

    This area of the Community can be slow but the more folks post the more information is gathered and a support network can be grown.

    As you have used the Macmillan site before you will know about our various Macmillan Support Line Services to be helpful - call them on 0808 808 00 00This free service covers Emotional Support, Practical Information. Clinical Information, Financial Support and Work Guidance mostly open 8.00 to 8.00 but check the link.

    Our ‘Ask an Expert’. section is great where you can post questions to our mostly Volunteer Experts but please allow 2 working days to get a reply.

    Our Online Information and Support Section  is a good place to find information covering cancer diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers.

    Always around to help out as best as I can,

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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