New here - CIN2 and HPV

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Hi All,

 This august I went for a smear test, after being reminded by my doctor that I had missed one? Potentially two?, and was informed two weeks later that I had tested positive for HPV and abnormal cells. 

This ment I was invited for a colposcopy to investigate further and was booked in two weeks later.

 As you can imagine my head filled with all sorts as I have never had any issues and I have had smear tests before the typical age; early pregnancy and strong family history of cancer.

 The colposcopy, from just observing was confident it was CIN1/ CIN2 from looking and two more weeks later confirmed it's CIN2

Now in the middle of October I was given the decision to either have LLETZ or try the conservation method. To help 'preserve' my fertility and not weaken my cervix, as I do want another child.

Has anyone followed conservation before and found success? The fact I have history and they are even still unsure if I would be a good candidate for it fills me with vert little faith in this monitoring six monthly until cells are back to normal.

Thankyou in advance,


  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I don’t have experience to share that’s similar to yours as I went straight to a cervical cancer diagnosis, but it may be that other ladies in the group have been through something similar and will come along and post. 

    However everyone’s experience will be different, so it really will be a decision only you can make. The hope is that cells will regress and go back to normal without treatment (ie without the LLETZ) but no-one, not even a doctor would be able to guarantee that would happen. Having  a LLETZ should not affect your fertility. I hope you can read some other experiences, although we don’t get so many ladies who have CIN who come back and post again. Fingers crossed some might be reading this.

    I hope you’ll let us know what your decision is and how you get on as it might help others in your situation.

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • Hello,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. It’s very stressful isn’t it  

    I can shed a bit of light on this as I had a similar ish experience. 

    In 2021 I had had my smear which revealed borderline changes but high risk HPV positive, so was invited for a colposcopy. At my colposcopy the colposcopist took a biopsy and said the changes looked more like CIN2, which the biopsy confirmed. 

    I was pregnant and then had a miscarriage during this time period of receiving smear results, colposcopy and then CIN2 diagnosis. I was offered expectant management or active management (LLETZ), but because, like you, I knew we wanted another baby (asap as I’d just had the miscarriage), I chose expectant management. They discussed this at the MDT and ‘allowed me’ to be on the expectant management pathway. 
    This involved 6 monthly colposcopy’s, however I did get pregnant a few months later and had second baby August 2022. I had a colposcopy during pregnancy and then 2 postnatally where my cervix improved at the first one and then looked normal at the second. 

    I then got pregnant again December 2023, and had our third (and final!) baby 4 months ago, August 2024. I had a colposcopy when I was only about 5 weeks pregnant (was already booked) and my cervix looked normal then. 
    I’ve now had my postnatal colposcopy November 2024 and my cervix looked to have changed, biopsies confirmed back to CIN2!! So have been advised to have LLETZ, which I’m having in February. 

    So long story short, I chose to have expectant management as it was safe to do so and we were growing our family and wanted to avoid the associated risks with a LLETZ, but now I am done I am happy to have the LLETZ, albeit mildly anxious that the results of the LLETZ will be more serious. 

    This could be too late to be helpful to you now as I appreciate you posted a while ago but I thought I would share regardless. Hope all goes well whichever route you go down! x 

  • Hi jxde,

     Thankyou for sharing. It actually has been awful with the whole decision making and sadly, I was left in the dark for 11 Weeks before they would make a decision to treat it or observe. 

    I actually never got that meeting and I decided to go ahead for the LETz; once I finally got hold of someone. 

     They have honoured it, as they originally said I could opt for, and I will be having LETz on the 7th of Jan.

    Your information, albeit not the same for everyone, is how I'm feeling my odds would go. I would end up here again or potentially worse. 

     I feel some peace of mind out weighs everything right now. 

    I really do appreciate your information on this and I hope all goes well with your biopsies. 

    Be nice to know and update on your side too. 

    Kim x

  • Hi Kim,

    I’m sorry you had such poor communication but hope you have some peace with the decision you’ve made and the plan going forward. 
    It would be great if you could let me know how your LLETZ goes please if you were happy to share? I’m really apprehensive about mine but have heard reassuring things from people who have had them before. Mine is on 7th February!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas x 

  • Hi just hopping on!

    I had my LLETZ after getting cin 2 abnormal cells. They said I could have the LLETZ or the heated loop not sure the name for that one, I didn't know what to choose the nurse said let me see and then she will choose I think she went with LLETZ as would be easier with my cervix. I remember my biopsy was painful and uncomfortable. The LLETZ i expected to be sore however once she put the thing in that widens you (cant remember the name of it) she did the anasthetic and I really couldn't feel a thing it was virtually painless. I just taked a lot and wiggled my toes non stop to distract myself. I've came home and I'm not sure how the bleeding is as I am bleeding but I also think that is my period as I'm due. I've experienced some cramping as if I'm on a period and felt a bit tired but that's it. It was a really good experience for me and I'm hoping will be for you too. Let us know how you get on!

  • How did it go? :) x

  • Sorry for late update,

     I had the LLETZ on the 7th and it went to plan. 

    They took 1cm away and did a quick cauterized around the area to stop bleeding. It was unusual feeling, temperature wise, but no pain at all. 

    They warned me about bleeding and after care from the treat ment and I'm now waiting for the biopsy of the LLETZ; about 2-4weeks typically.

    She did verbally tell me that it didn't look like it regressed but the labs will tell more.

     The next step, I imagine, would be monitor but obviously if they don't see 'clear margins' around the bad cells, they may have to do a bit more. 

     Emotionally I'm much better with all of this now and I'm kind of excepting what will be. Every niggle and ache I feel I'm associating with this so until it's all gone and clear, my head will join in line then I imagine Blush xx

  • Thank you for sharing I got mines done 31st and waiting on results too I got told 8-10 weeks though may I ask if your services are within Scotland?:) having the letz is on the right track so whatever happens now I’m trying to think that at least it’s monitored and eventually we will be okay I hope. Hoping your results are good xxx

  • You too. I hope everyone gets the best outcome for all results and treatments pending. 

     I am down the south coast of England and I do hope that yours comes a bit quicker but only with good news Blush.

     I was told that further fertility wouldn't be so bad as they have options to help my next pregnancy if my cervix is shortened further xx

  • update 8 weeks: on I'm glad I pushed and went for the LLETZ procedure. I did get a clear margin and it was confirmed that I had gone into CIN3 just in that 6 weeks I was waiting to hear back. My head was all over the place thinking, what if I had waited much longer. 

    As it stands my symptoms have seemed to have nigh on gone and waiting a test of cure. Still very positive about it all and if there is any take away from this, is trust in your self and listen to your body xx