Adenocarcinoma Stage 1B experience

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  • 41 subscribers

I have been reading this forum for many months so I thought I would reach out and write about my experience. 

A little background about myself,  age 63,  married over 30 years. Three adult children. Attended all smear tests, clear results. The test before last was 2018, I think a year before they introduced the new approach of HPV testing.

I attended for smear test in September 23, no symptoms, no reason to be worried. Ten days later I received a call from Hospital asking me to attend for a Colposcopy as they had found high grade changes, CGIN, glandular.

I went for Colposcopy and they did a Lletz procedure. I then had to wait for the histology results on the Lletz. Three weeks later I had a all to say cancer had been found. The shock was terrible. I had gone from a clear result to cancer in 5 years. (After 50 the  tests are every 5 years.) 

I was, referred for a MRI which confirmed Stage 1B1 or 1B2 cancer. The treatment would be Radical hysterectomy with removal of ovaries. I had to wait 8 weeks for Lletz to heal before surgery. 

I was very  thankful to be able to have surgery,  I recovered well after the operation although it was hard. Then 2 week wait for histology results from the operation. I was so relieved to be told clear margins and no spread so no further treatment  needed. I am now going for 3 monthly follow ups. My anxiety increases prior to these checkups as I am very aware of reoccurrence.  

I was told that these Glandular changes are high up in cervix and can be hard to detect, so can be missed at screenings. I find this very concerning indeed. I did receive a letter about an audit of previous smear tests but obviously my focus was on treatment. Thinking about it now I question the value of an audit if these glandular cells were not picked up by the brush used for the test ie the brush did not go high enough. Surely the audit can only examine the cell samples  taken. 

I appreciate that I was fortunate to be able to have the surgery  and Thankful for the histology results. 

I would say that the waiting for results was just awful and I did seek help for my anxiety. 

Thank you for reading my post and my Best wishes to all ladies dealing with this disease. 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’m glad to hear you’ve come through your surgery successfully and are now on your check ups without needing further treatment.

    I completely understand what you’re saying about the possibility of cells being missed on a smear when they are high up in the cervix, and the brush is only taking a sweep of the cervix. I’m not sure what type of cervical cancer you had, but I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma which starts in the glandular cells higher up in the cervix. I don’t know what the audit is looking at, but like you think it would be based on the cells which were taken. In your case, you went on to have a colposcopy and LLETZ which identified the cancer, which was very fortunate for you. 

    If abnormal cells are found from a smear, the colposcopy and LLETZ will identify them more closely, but of course if there are no abnormal cells found, then there is no further checking done. 

    I think it’s natural for everyone who has had a cancer diagnosis to be fearful of recurrence, but the best thing we can do is attend every check up and be vigilant for any symptoms. I was lucky to have my recurrence picked up on a regular 3 monthly check, as I had no symptoms at all. It was a big shock for me as I’d always been told to look for symptoms like pain or discharge. 

    I hope you’ll continue to remain well and not have any further issues, and thank you for sharing your experience with the group.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Sarah for your quick reply. 

    My diagnosis was  Stage 1B2 Adenocarcinoma with background of CGIN. It came out of blue. Everything I had read suggested that cancer takes many years to develop and any cell abnormalities would be picked up by cervical screening and dealt with before cancer developed. I had no symptoms and suppose I have just been unlucky. I know I am not alone. 

    So many 'what if'  questions, if the HPV had been picked up in 2018 would I have avoided cancer?   Is 5 years too long between screenings after age 50? 

    Anyway I am thankful that my cancer was found and I have been able to have the surgery. 

    May I say a big Thank you to you Sarah. I have found all your responses on this forum so Well informed, kind and reassuring. You are a great comfort to many I am sure. 

    It has done me good to write all this down, I have a loving family and I will do anything to spare them anxiety but I do feel so anxious and alone sometimes. 

  • I suppose I think of myself as lucky in some respects as I did have symptoms which then led me to the doctor and my original diagnosis. But I must say I have never asked the what if questions because I know there are no answers to those. I had to learn to deal with the hand I’d got and, like you, focus on my treatment/outcome.

    I’m glad you’ve got a loving family round about you-that’s always so good, but sometimes it’s very helpful to speak to others, even if they’re strangers, because they know what this feels like when others might not be quite able to understand. You’ve made a first step in connecting with others by making a post here and sharing your story. I know what it’s like to feel anxious and alone, but I hope you can at least feel among friends here, and we’re about the same age! 

    I’d like to encourage you too if you would like, to reply to some of the other threads which pop up-it would be so kind if you could share your experiences with new members facing a radical hysterectomy particularly. I’m sure you could offer some lovely support to them.

    Please stick with us anyway-you are very welcome to be here and I hope you find it a good place for any help or questions.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,  I know what you mean, no point in going over things we cannot change and can't get answers to. I am very much looking forward and focusing on the positive. 

    I am glad to have taken the step of joining this forum and will try to help where I can. I know how it feels when you get that initial diagnosis. 

    I thought we may be a similar age from some of your posts. I know you have been through a lot. 

    Thanks again for your kind replies. Much appreciated. 

  • Hi  

    It’s good to be looking forward with positivity, so that’s a good attitude to have. Some ladies move on after surgery or treatment as they don’t want to dwell on their experience, which I completely understand, but it’s an especially difficult time when you first receive a cancer diagnosis.

    I always appreciate seeing ladies coming back to the group to reassure others facing similar things, when they might really appreciate some extra support from someone who has been through the same.

    I’m 62 with 2 daughters in their 30s, so it’s good to connect with someone at the same stage in life!

    Sarah xx 

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Serena 

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Sending you best wishes for everything in the future! x

    Sharing my experience as I am in the same position you were as I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma this week after having a smear test at the end of May, follows by Colposcopy, LLETZ under general to take more tissue also. I am 40 with no children. 

    I was due a smear test I'd booked (overdue by 1.5yr last October) but I found I was pregnant with twins very happy news for us. I was told I'd have to wait for a smear, despite explaining my symptoms (bleeding after sex sometimes) plus overdue for my smear.

    I had a miscarriage over Christmas and was admitted to A&E at 12weeks. I was advised I'd need to wait 3mths for a smear, despite telling my GP and other I still had symptoms. 

    After 3mths I booked a smear test which was then cancelled due to staff sickness, and rebooked a month later, despite telling them I still had previous symptoms PLUS discharge now with no odour. 

    The smear showed abnormal cells ?glandular dysplasia and I attended a colposcopy. It was horrific after my miscarriage I was fretting and feel very anxious about anyone being in that area now. They advised they couldn't do a see and treat LLETZ but I was urgent so would be called back in a couple of weeks. 

    6 weeks later in July, I was sent an appointment for the end of September...

    I booked a private consultation and they explained LLETZ could not be done privately due to all the government legislation but that they were in fact a consultant gynae at the Hospital and they arrange for this to be carried out a month earlier. 

    The results came back and I was called in 8 days later.  

    They have confirmed likely Stage 1B1 and MRI and PET are required. I am terrified of course as with any reproductive cancer it can change so many things and choices you thought you had. 

    I share in your thoughts around the smear itself and that I was not aware at all about the inefficiency of it. I queried the timescale with my ONC Consult and my experience with GP since last year also, as I recognise my smear is later by 2 years now for different reasons, but the last smear was clear.

    She said it's very unlucky but explained how this may have happened and I was shocked as she said we have no screening programme for that area, and an audit would naturally take place now because of the type and location of the cancer to check all scans and screenings. 

    Thanks for reading my post x x

  • Hi H0p3fu1, 

    I am very sorry to read of your experience, sounds like you have had a very difficult time and then on top confusion and delays with appointments. I really hope that your treatment plan will be made clear and they won't put your through any more delays. 

    It is a terrible shock to be told you have cancer, I waited 3 weeks from the Lletz treatment. During the Lletz the nurse did not see any red flag symptoms of cancer but until histology comes back you don't know. 

    I was told that these glandular cell changes are higher up the cervix and can be missed at screening but my understanding is that the cervical screening programme is intended to pick up all cervical cell changes including those higher in cervix.  About 20% of cervical cancers are Adenocarcinoma. Personally I think it is very worrying that medics say these cell changes are high up and can be missed on a smear test. I can only hope that they are looking at the brushes used and staff training in an effort to get cells from higher up the cervix. Not looking to place blame but just to improve things for the future. I have 2 daughters and I worry for them. 

    I just  had an mri scan following the discovery of cancer and it showed 1B1 or 1B2 Adenocarcinoma. I then had an appointment with Consultant who I am pleased to say was so kind and reassuring , I was in a such a state of anxiety I was barely functioning. He told me the treatment would be a Radical Hysterectomy with removal of ovaries. I then waited 8 weeks for the Lletz procedure to heal before having the surgery at end of last year. I was out in 5 days and thankfully recovered well although it was hard in hospital.

    I don't want this post to be too long but I understand totally how you feel, try not to worry and keep off Google. Your medical team are best source of information as each case is different. I hope you get answers soon. Be kind to yourself. If there are any questions re the surgery etc I can help with just post. Obviously I am a patient not a medic. I wish you All the Best. 


  • Hi Serena thanks for sharing your story and i’m happy you’re recovering well Thumbsup i saw your post and felt i had to reply as out stories are so similar x i am 61, married for 30 years with one son. i have always had normal smears but missed one in 2018 as a lot of stressful things going on and still hadnt been this year when i had a very small post meno bleed x went straight to gp who referred me on a 2ww x got booked in for a smear and a transvaginal u/s, that came back clear so was judt waiting for smear trst result but i had 3 people including a gynae say that my cervix looked normal so i was feeling relieved about it all x a week later i had a call out of the blue to say the test had come back high risk hpv and high grade cell changes, it was such a shock as so unexpected, i had no idea i had hpv or that ot could lie dormant for so long x had a LLETZ the next day and was told the cells were in the cervical canal x i was told i would hear in 6-8 weeks but 2 weeks after the LLETZ i had a call to see my gynaecologist today so having read other forums i knew this wasnt good news x saw him today and was told i have adenocarcinoma stage 1b1 altho will need an mri to confirm this then either hysterectomy or radiotherapy x i’m hoping it stays very early stage but we’ll see x i feel as shocked as you to have this happen now, i feel theres very little info to warn older women that hpv can appear at this stage when you least expect it x i was very upset with myself that i missed that one test but he said they wouldnt have tested for hpv in 2018 so it probably wouldnt have been picked up until last years test, reading your story shows thats possible x anyway just wanted to share as our stories seem very similar and most women seem to be much younger x i hope you continue to make a good recovery x

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    It can be a real big shock to get a cancer diagnosis, but prior to hpv testing being the first thing which is done, you may not have known at any previous tests that you had hpv which has led to further testing of cells. The virus can lie dormant for a long time, so I can understand that this has been a big and unwelcome surprise for you. 

    I hope that your mri wil be able to confirm the stage for you is 1b1 as surgery will still be an option for you. Some of the ladies in the group have had a radical hysterectomy and others, like myself, who have had a higher stage (mine was stage 2b) have had chemoradiation. So we have experience of both in the group and give you support whatever your results are. Please do let us know how you get on, and we can offer you advice and support here.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah, your support is much appreciated! I’m a bit anxious about the mri but just hoping it stays at an early/treatable stage x thanks again xx