Stage 4 - We need more options after immunotherapy - I won't give up x

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello everyone! I am recently diagnosed with stage 4 incurable. Initially stage 3c then spread to my right lung, had lung resection, then it returned to my right lung and now one lymph node. I have just started Carboplatin, Paclitaxel and immunotherapy Pembrolizumab. I am researching for up and coming clinical trials and success stories to stay positive. I am only just 42 years old and struggle to believe I won't make it to my 50th. Would love the NHS vaccine trials to start including Cervical Cancer - But how do we get it on the agenda? Would love to hear positive stories from other women who are stage 4 on immunotherapy or other successful treatments XX lots of love to everyone on here XX

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’m really sorry to read your diagnosis, especially being so young. I can’t give you any personal experience of your drug combo but I didn’t want to leave your post without a reply.

    I did have recurrent cervical cancer, so was treated as effectively stage 4, but was fortunate enough for it to be contained in the pelvis with no metastasis so I was able to have a total pelvic exenteration which has kept me well for more than 4 years.

    I’m not sure if we have others in the group with the same stage having immunotherapy, but I hope any that see your post do come along and reply to share their experience. Cancer research does have a good database of current trials which are recruiting  though I’m guessing you may have already looked there? I think it will take time for vaccines to become a new treatment after successful trials, but I haven’t read anything about them involving cervical cancer trialling as yet. It does sound a very exciting development however. 

    You sound as though you have good mental attitude, which is a lot of the battle with an advanced diagnosis-it’s really tough to hear. 

    I hope you’ll  get on well with your chemo cocktail and the pembro and that these work well for you in stabilising and holding things back. 

    Sarah xx

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  • FormerMember

    Hi Carvo,

    Firstly, I have been scrolling and navigating this forum for several weeks now, absolutely in awe of the inspirational stories and support this community offers but trying desperately to convince myself I am not part of it.

    Carvo, your positivity has really resonated with me. I am so sorry to read of your stage 4 diagnosis, You seem so positive and full of strength - a real inspiration to me at a time of complete chaos and uncertainty.

    my journey started a whole year ago. I always experienced normal periods until I started passing clots for several months. I went to the drs who did a blood test and transvsginal ultra sound and albeit known to me asked me to book a Smear.

    I had the bloods done and ultra sound which were all fine but for sone unknown reason I forgot/didn’t register that I needed a smear.

    i have always been up to date with my smear tests, the last being in aug 2021.

    fast forward a year and I started to experience pain in my top bsck/shoulders. I felt breathless. I have ended up pretty much having my whole body scanned other than reproductive organs.

    the last few weeks the pain has moved to my lower back and tummy and the penny has dropped. I checked back on my health record and I was asked to attend a smear a year ago that I didn’t do. My heart is braking.

    I have two small children who are my absolute world. a loving family snd everything to live for.

    each day that passes I feel more and more zapped of energy. I feel more and more pain every day in different places. i am scared witless.

    i have now had a smear test. The dr says the cervix looks healthy but I know that doesn't mean anything.

    i have paid a lot of money to get this all fast tracked but in my heart i fear it is all too late.

    i am not coping. i have been signed off work. taking anti depressants and constantly crying. whilst i haven't been diagnosed i know what is coming. 

    Your positivity helps immensely and i hope when the time comes i can be just as strong.
