Cervical cancer

  • 16 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi, new here and worried. After 2 months of constant bleeding, visits to emergency and calls to 111, I have been diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Dr's opening line was " I'm very worried for you." Team was beyond lovely and helping and, due to severity of the situation, everything is being rushed. I'm awaiting possible MRI.

My mind is a bit of a mess now. I'm furious at the nurse practitioner who basically rushed me out of her surgery in Corby walk in center with advice that " this will happen a lot as I get older" ( constant bleeding and blood cloth of about 7 cm) an constant questions if I want children. I wonder , if I wasn't persistent and went elsewhere, what would have happened. I wonder how many people were told that they are fine and sent home...

My next worry is my partner. He is lovely and supportive,  but I need to find a way to support him. It was horrible times for him. 

What can I do to help?

I'd appreciate any advice.

  • I'm glad to learn that your surgery was successful and you are doing well.

    Guess there's nothing to do but fight.

    In all this horror, I'm just so relieved that I found this forum.

    Wishing you the best.

  • I found an inner strength I didn't realise I had, and was determined to keep going through everything I had to do. You have the power inside you to amaze yourself!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Blackm, 

    I was diagnosed with stage 2b back in September 2020 and had all the treatments they are offering you.  You’ll have started your treatment by now (sorry I’m just seeing your post) but any questions you may have I’m here for you.  I hope you’re doing ok with it all?

    SarahH21 has been a wealth of information.  Well done Sarah.   

  • Hi Katew, 

    Thank you for replying. Actually, I'm still waiting. If all goes well, I'll be starting on 2.04. I have been sent to some cardio scans, apparently in my case it was needed.

    Sarah and this forum were a godsend; I'm still annoyed that I cannot access my medical documents, that information has been shared sporadically and only when I push for it .

    Currently having other, hopefully unrelated,  health issues so mind tends to go to rather dark places.

    How did you manage to maintain positivity throughout treatment?

    I understand that everyone reacts to therapy differently, but how long did it take for you to get back to your usual self , post therapy?

    I'd be super grateful for any tips and recommendations ( anything I can that would have beneficial health wise).

    Many thanks x

  • Ah, the waiting is the worst part as I’ve already said. I’m sorry you’re still waiting but the next week or two will fly past.  Your mind does go to dark places and that is normal, you’re human.   I had a wobble when I was first diagnosed and then i thought  “I can’t change any of this and I also can’t go on with the washing machine effect in my stomach, tears etc, so I just have to get on with it”  I was prescribed diazepam and after one small 10mg tablet, I had my appetite back and I slept like a baby for the first time in weeks.  I think then I just accepted it all and my mindset was I’ll face this head on and I remained very positive throughout. I had diazepam in my bag but I didn’t have to take any more.  

     It’s ok not to feel ok during your treatment though as we are all different but it’s good to talk if you’re feeling out of sorts.  A sense of humour is also good and helps greatly.  You’ve only recently been diagnosed and there is a lot to come to terms with and the fear of the unknown plays a big part.  

    I drove myself  the 70 mile round trip daily to the hospital.  I felt absolutely fine to do so and only used a family member when it came to the brachytherapy part.   The day after my treatment finished I was absolutely exhausted and that fatigue lasted a few weeks.  I would say it took me the best part of 6 months to feel like me again..for no other reason than being tired/lethargic.  Perfectly normal.

    I met lovely people during my treatment and I’m still in contact with a couple of them.  I didn’t find this forum until afterwords but it’s great that you can have people “in your phone” who’ve gone through the same as yourself and can help alleviate some of your concerns.  Always here for you xx

  • Thanks a million for this wholesome response.

    Brings hope :)