Radical hysterectomy

  • 12 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hello I’m new, so hello!

im going in on Wednesday for my op I’m all over the place and so scared and nervous. Has anyone had the op? Any advice would be much appreciated right now. Hope you are all ok sending so much love to you all, it’s all very scary and all very new. Only got diagnosed 3 wks ago xx 

  • Hi  

    I am no technical person, and wouldn’t be able to use this forum on my phone as I wouldn’t be able to see it! I’m not using an app-I do this on my iPad as it’s bigger. I simply used google to find Macmillan, found their website and then joined the forum. I do have it on my phone but can’t find everything I use on the community there. I don’t know how you did it going through fb, sorry, but I’m not sure that’s the best way to do this.

    Sarah xx

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