Hey everyone I was diagnosed with cin3 2 years ago. Was meant to have the larze bit found out I was pregnant and couldn't have the treatment.im really worried about having my colposcopy this time around as it took ages to come back last time waited 3 months.
If it turns out to be cancer how do they tell you have you got to wait again or do they tell you straight away.
Thank you for any advice would be great xx
Your little ones will certainly keep you busy, which is a good thing-you won’t have time to be getting over worried about this, and hopefully won’t have time to go searching on Google for answers. That’s really never a good idea without a specific diagnosis of anything as you can end up going down a lot of rabbit holes and looking at all sorts of stuff which won’t be relevant to your situation.
It does make a difference when your nurses and doctors are good-I think it really helps.
Sarah xx
Never go on Google worse thing to do I done it when I first found out I had to have a colposcopy never again best to come on here and talk to the nurses and doctors when you go for appointments.
Thank you for chatting with me this evening it's really helped I'll let you know how it all goes on the 19th.
All best for you as well ️
Thanks danielle and I look forward to hearing your update with good results! If you are unlucky enough to be diagnosed with cancer, there will always be support for you here.
Sarah xx
Had my colposcopy yesterday said that I will need treatment she tried to do a biopsy but she couldn't find anywhere to take it from. So I have to wait for my smear test so come back which is going to take 6 to 8 weeks. Then when they find out the results I go into Star treatment
Hi danielle
Did you get told why you need to wait until the smear test results are back? The testing at your smear is to see if you have active hpv, and if so then it normally means a colposcopy to check further for abnormal cells. I’m not sure how the smear test results are going to help when you have already been for a colposcopy, but maybe they’ve explained their reasons for this?
I’ve also not heard of Star treatment before. Can you let us know what this is as it might be helpful for others reading.
Sarah xx
She done a smear as it's be 2 year since I had my last one she tried to do a biopsy but wasn't able she couldn't take it from anywhere. So I have to wait for the results till they do treatment so not to sure if I need to have another colposcopy before the treatment or after
Ah, I see. Do you know what the Star treatment involves? Normally if there are abnormal cells they would be removed in a lletz procedure.
Sarah xx
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