Cervical cancer suspicions but no diagnosis yet

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Hi all, I don't know if I have posted in this group already but I am a 26yo female, I am yet to have any smear tests as I just hadn't got round to it due to a busy life schedule (I know I should make time for it). Around 10 days ago, I experienced sudden pelvic discomfort/swelling and swelling, nausea, fatigue and just feeling genuinely unwell. I went to see gynae on Friday, they done an internal ultrasound which ruled out ovarian cancer but upon a speculum test, I experienced a lot of pain and the consultant had to remove it, he has referred me for an mri to see what's going on. I am feeling so unwell and struggling to do my daily activities without getting exhausted and sleeping. Just wanted to see if anyone has had similar symptoms to me who has been diagnosed or see if it could be something less serious than cervical cancer. I have unintentionally lost around a stone in the last 9 months or so and have now suddenly got an alcohol intolerance which I always used to enjoy a glass of wine here and there! I can't help but worry and google things! 

thankyou x

  • I think you should absolutely go for the mri, without question. Normal bloods don’t really mean all that much in the grand scheme of things, but an mri is a really important diagnostic tool and you’ve been given a very quick appointment for one. 

    Yes, there is waiting whether it’s cancer or not. All results go to something called a multi disciplinary meeting which involves different specialists like the gynae consultant, radiologist who interprets scans etc getting together.  That meeting decides on what the next steps are. Meetings at my hospital were held once a week, and then an appointment was made to go through the next thing that would happen.

    The backlogs now in some departments are absolutely horrendous-my father in law was diagnosed with 2 separate primary cancers in February and still has had no treatment or surgery for either. Chasing this, you just get told there are hundreds of other urgent patients and nothing can be done. That’s just one example of how bad things can be in some areas. This is an extreme case, but I just think you need realistic expectations about waiting.

    Just don’t assume that things happen straight away even with a cancer diagnosis, because they often don’t. After the mri, it’s a wait for results, and then there may be more tests required. Each step involves waiting for things to be scheduled, then reported on, then the decisions relayed to you. That was the case even pre covid when I was diagnosed with cancer the first time. Even when I was diagnosed the second time the target dates for treatment weren’t met so it’s nothing new unfortunately, 

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • right okay, I'll still go then, I was going to cancel if my bloods come back normal but I'll still go encase it does show something up! Rather be safe than sorry I guess! 

    it's a shame that this has all happened after covid but the amount of people in the country delays it too as there isn't enough staff to keep up with it all! My parents live in County Durham and the hospitals and appointments are so much quicker, just less people I guess!

    I'll have to keep my mind busy and just hope to hear something in the coming weeks, feeling poorly is getting me down, but I guess it's all part of it unfortunately xx

  • Please don’t cancel even if your blood tests are normal. You are really lucky to have such a quick appointment and if you cancel it that will mean another wait if you are told you really need to have one. The mri is very important, likely more so than any blood tests. If I’d relied on a normal blood test and nothing else I dread to think what might have happened to me. 

    Hospital appointments where I am in Nottinghamshire take ages, and extra clinics are being put on in some departments. I had my cancer follow up appointment on a Saturday recently which has not happened before but they are trying to get through the backlogs. It does vary from area to area though.

    It is tough when you’re feeling unwell, I understand that. I went through some awful times of very bad pain, especially while I was waiting for surgery, but it’s just how it is and we have to manage the wait as best we can. I binge watched a lot of rubbish tv to take my mind off things!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Oh really? Okay I'll make sure I still go, just always have the thought of wasting their time but I guess these symptoms have started for a reason so I'll make sure I go, I guess if I cancel, it's just more waiting around to get another appointment! 

    yeah definitely differs in different areas of the country! 

    problem is my partner is now back at work and we have a toddler and a puppy so I don't get time to rest like I need tooSweat

    Charlotte xx

  • Please NEVER think you are wasting anyone’s time. You have some symptoms affecting your life badly and you feel unwell, so you must get yourself checked out.

    If I had gone to the doctor when I first started having my symptoms I might have been able to have a very different outcome without invasive treatment and massive surgery. Catching anything nasty early can mean a much better result.

    It must be really difficult to cope with a toddler and a puppy-have you got anyone else who can help give you a break apart from your partner? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yeah I guess so! 

    aw bless you! It's hard with some symptoms though as you sometimes dismiss them or associate them with something else! Until they get serious, it doesn't really make you think! 

    it is! Mum and dad live in County Durham and have said I can go up there for a few days so I'll see how I feel tomorrow, I'm starting to feel a bit better atm, the pressure in my stomach has eased a bit for the first time in 12 days which is strange! I'll see how I go xx

  • I am finally getting my blood results today! Went into the doctors as soon as they're open, she said she'll get the doctor to review them and give me a call! Nervous but hoping it's a good result! Even if bloods okay, is it a good indication or am I not still in the clear? Xx

  • Hi Charlotte

    As a non medic, I can’t say, but all I know is my blood results were normal yet I had cancer.

    Blood results are only one part of a diagnostic process, so I don’t feel it’s possible to rely on good results meaning you are definitively in the clear. I think you might be placing too much emphasis on them, yet the results cannot diagnose you. If they are abnormal or out of the usual range, all that is saying is that there should be further investigations to check what could be causing that. The GP cannot diagnose you.

    Sarah xx 

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi, I completely understand what you're saying, she said my ca125 was 5, my potassium is low, my blood clotting one is a bit high and also my kidney/liver function but she said not high enough for them to be concerned, she is going to repeat them again next week, just got to wait for mri now xx

  • Oh, those seem like good results, particularly when you were concerned about the CA125. Hopefully the mri will give you some more information.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm