Newly diagnosed stage 2b about 2 weeks ago

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  • 28 subscribers

Hi I'm new x I recently got diagnosed with stage 2b cervical cancer.

I had a pet scan yesterday and have an appointment tomorrow to meet the raditherapy consultant to sign consents forms.

I have also got another appoint same place but early to see a nurse.

I'm so scared about tomorrow.  I think it just hit me tonight. 

They said its curable after the mri scan but now I'm panicking incase the petscan as shown that it's worse than they thought.

So scared

Anybody been told it one stage then found out its worse x

  • Hi  and welcome to our group

    It takes a bit of time to process having a cancer diagnosis and there is a lot to come to terms with. It’s definitely a frightening time for us all, and there are so many appointments, scans and “unknowns” to deal with.

    A number of us in the group were diagnosed with stage 2b cervical cancer, including myself, so we can understand how it all feels. My diagnosis didn’t change after my scans, although I didn’t have a pet scan at the time of my original diagnosis. Although it is possible for the staging to change after a further scan, try to focus on what you know for now and try not to think too far ahead. 

    It makes it seem all seem so real when you are signing consent forms for treatment, but honestly things become easier to cope with once your treatment starts and you can focus on getting through it all. It is intense but over a short period of time. The positive thing is that they are treating you with the intent to cure, so it’s good to concentrate on that, and the treatment can be very successful-lots of ladies in the group have come through it and are out the other side.

    I hope some of the other ladies will chime in to let you know how they got on, and please use the group to ask any questions and share any worries. We can give you plenty of support as you go through this and help with tips and advice based on our own experiences. How are you feeling physically?  I hope you’ve got support around you, but it can also help talking in the group with people who really understand what this is like.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Aww thank you I'm feeling OK physically I have had stomach ache all week but I think that's just my nerves.  It came as a shock because I thought it was my menopause starting so I've not been ill.  I do have alot of support around me but don't want to upset them with my negativity. 

    Hopefully I will feel better about everything after tomorrow is done.

    Thanks for messaging me back I really appreciate it xx

  • I hope everything goes well tomorrow for you. There will be a lot of potential side effects listed on the consent form, but it doesn’t mean to say you would have any or all of them-you just have to be advised of the potential for them, so don’t worry about that for now. And tomorrow gets you another step closer to your treatment start date! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm