Cervical cancer post menopause

  • 11 replies
  • 23 subscribers

It seems most cervical cancer is experienced by young women.  I am older and have completed chemoradiation treatment  with brachytherapy and am now waiting to find out what has resulted.

I had passed the age of having smears and so the tumour was largish before I had any symptoms which I followed up immediately.  Am I unusual or should we be pushing for smears to continue for longer?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I’m 52 and just been diagnosed with cervical cancer like you I had LLETZ done but I’ve not been asked to go for any other tests I’m just waiting now for a full hysterectomy which I’m terrified about as I’m disabled with low immune system, I’m worried it will take forever for me to heal, plus I don’t know what any follow up if any appointments will involve