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I had 3c1 CC. I did the adjuvant chemo, chemoradiotherapy and brachytherapy. Finished in July 2024 with complete response to treatment. I’ve had NED at my scans so far. I have another in April. I’m terrified this is the one there’ll be something. Every little twinge or ache is making me spiral. I keep thinking it’s spread to my lungs or my breasts or brain or whatever. 

I just discovered someone that had treatment at the same time as me is having investigations again and it’s really got me. I just want someone to tell me that I’m going to be ok. 

My CNS was basically not there at all. I saw her twice I think during treatment. She hardly ever replied. I feel like a total nuisance when I do try and contact people. I just don’t know what to do. It’s horrible living like this. 

  • Hi Frenchiefrankenstein,

    we had exactly the same treatment. It is totally normal to feel like this. I remember I was totally lost before each scan. Until I realised that I have done everything I could do and unfortunately the results are out of your control. I can tell you it is getting better as the time progresses and you are busy with life. If you need any tips, for me it worked doing yoga to build some strength and focus on myself and I started reading books as I had memory fog after treatment which helped me a lot with memory and my anxiety! Try to get yourself busy and it will help you not let yourself get into that hole of unknown. You will be ok! If it helps I am post treatment for 4.5 years now :) 

  • Oh that gives me some hope. I’ve got 2 kids and work so coming by the time to read or whatever is difficult but I’m trying to distract myself with games or puzzles etc. twinges or whatever just make me spiral completely and I’m thrown back to the awful time. I’m so happy to read your message though. I hope that I will follow your path too. 

  • You’ve done well to get clear scans so far, so I’d try to focus on that. But it’s also important to remember that everyone’s story is different and you had a higher stage cancer than Maria. You did have the adjuvant chemo, and Maria did not, so your situations are not quite the same for comparison. 

    I know you are looking for reassurance, but I don’t believe that anyone can actually tell you that you will be ok as they don’t know that for sure, although of course everyone would hope you’ll be fine. I was stage 2b yet still had a recurrence 9 months after treatment, so not everyone is actually ok, even after a Ned scan as I had, but you can’t let fear dominate your life.

    It’s always very nerve wracking coming up to a scan, but you have to try and be as positive as you can and hope that things will continue to go well. The further out you are from treatment, the easier it becomes to relax, but unfortunately while you want to hear everything is ok there is no-one here who can actually guarantee that for you.

    We do have a number of success stories in the group for ladies who have gone through treatment for stage 3c1, and I hope you’ll be one of them.

    Sarah xx

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