HPV disclosure

  • 1 reply
  • 22 subscribers


I’m just after a couple of views on whether, following cervical cancer treatment, people tell new or perspective partners their HPV status? And if so what sort of reactions they’ve had?


  • Hi  and welcome to the group.

    I am with my long term partner, so a little different, and yes, we have discussed hpv many times since my own diagnosis. As the virus is so common amongst the population my partner assumes they also have the virus and it doesn’t concern either of us.

    Most people who have ever been sexually active will carry the virus, but men are not tested so it will usually only be women who find out they have it through cervical screening. It’s a personal decision to disclose it so everyone will have different opinions, but I personally wouldn’t see the issue in disclosing it to someone new-for the vast majority of people it will never cause issues anyway, but it will be interesting to se what others think.

    Sarah xx

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