Single mum

  • 8 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I’ve just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. I’m taking a pragmatic approach to the next steps and for the most part relatively calm about the likely treatment ahead. I have a cone biopsy scheduled to assess the extent and spread.

I’m currently living in Australia (have been here for 15years) with no intention of returning to the UK. However, it means I have no family here, only an ex- partner whom I co-parent my 5yo with. I’m concerned about the likely time off work, and I have no income protection so not sure how I’m going to cover my bills. I am renting and live dollar to dollar each fortnight. The government don’t have any schemes. 

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What can I do to support my son and I during this time?

Thank you


  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’m sorry to read you’ve had a diagnosis of cervical cancer-did you have a biopsy done which gave that result? 

    If you are having a cone biopsy done next, that sounds as if things are at an early stage for you, and it may be that this will be enough to remove a very small cancer. You would likely need a few days off from work as you may have some cramping and/or bleeding. 

    As MacMillan is a UK based charity, most of the ladies who post in the group are UK based and our knowledge and experience is typically based on the NHS or maybe private treatment in the UK. I would normally have suggested to someone joining that they contact the Macmillan support services, but they can only give advice about the UK health and benefits system.

    While we can discuss treatments we’ve had within the group here, we are just patients and carers, so don’t have the knowledge of your situation in Australia, but we do welcome people who don’t live in the UK and you might want to post in this group if you feel it might be helpful.

    Living with cancer outside the UK Forum

    Do you have a good support network of friends around you, or can your ex partner help out at all? I’m sorry I’m not able to help much-I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to be going through this as a single mum.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for your response Sarah. 

    Yes, I believe early stages and it’s unlikely the cancer has spread. if it is at all cancer. While I was told it was cancer, It is strange as I’ve since had some various thoughts on the pathology report. It seems to be in situ which is not malignant. I am still trying to identify why one surgeon might lAbel andenocarcinoma in situ as cancer and another as precancerous. Still, the next steps are the same. However, I am feeling more optimistic going into the cone biopsy. 

    I will take a look at the forum, thank you guiding me there. 

  • Hi  

    AIS, adenocarcinoma in situ, is typically classed here as a pre cancerous condition, so it’s not the same as invasive cancer which has the capacity to spread in my understanding, although it can spread if not treated. You are right in that the cone biopsy would be the next logical step to remove the affected area.

    The hope would be that the cone biopsy will remove everything with a margin of clear, healthy tissue around it and that would be all that’s required if this is the case. I’m not sure how long you’ll have to wait to get the results from the procedure, but typically here in the UK it takes a couple of weeks to get biopsy results back and for you to be advised of anything that’s required going forward. 

    Normally here you would have another check up in a few months to check that everything is ok, and I really hope all goes well for you. Whether there is any actual cancer cells found when the cone biopsy is done would determine if you need any more treatment. Please let us know how you get on-we are still here to support you in the group going forward, as we have plenty of experience of the different treatments and surgeries for cervical cancer.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Sarah. This is what my own research had understood. However i called my surgeon to clarify and he has told me that I conclusively have cervical cancer because the adenocarcinoma  has spread in the lining. Although he has told me that cone biopsy should be sufficient pending clear margins although we are talking about hysterectomy - perhaps more as a preventative measure. 

    I’ll definitely seek support and thoughts here as the terminology can be confusing. You’ve already been very helpful. Thank you. 

  • Hi  

    It’s good you know things for sure, and I had adenocarcinoma myself so I appreciate it can be a sneaky thing to deal with! 

    I hope that you can get rid of it with the cone, and that you are not too upset at the thought of a potential hysterectomy-I’m guessing you are quite young as you have a young child. However, the priority is to make sure you are fully rid of any cancer, hoping without needing any ongoing treatment.

    Lots of ladies in the group have been through hysterectomies and I’m sure will be able to help support you through if that’s needed. We have some very positive stories in the group! My surgery was much more major although it did include a hysterectomy so my experience is different to most of the other ladies and not comparable. 

    Have you managed to get any more information on any help available for you if you need to be off work? I was retired when I was first diagnosed, so didn’t have to worry about work but I know it will be a concern for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I really appreciate this chat, it’s nice to speak to someone who understands. 

    May I ask if the complexity was to do with the sneaky adenocarcinoma or whether there were other factors? My oncologist seems a bit morbid but I’m not sure if that’s how they always are. 

    I don’t think I’ve processed the hysterectomy fully but I think I’ll be ok. I was hoping for a second but my circumstances are not conducive anyway. I have kept all the baby things, cot etc so I’ll have to sell it all and I’m sure that will bring on some grief. Nothing I can’t handle though. As you say my focus now is to expel all cancer. 

    Im also considering how to improve my health for best outcomes. It can’t hurt. I’m wondering if there is strong empirical studies that support removing certain foods or chemicals from daily routines. I can post in the group chat if that’s better, I don’t want to be burdening you with all my questions. 

  • Hi  

    Adenocarcinoma can be sneaky in that it can “hide” further up the cervical canal as that’s where it starts growing and it can be missed on a straightforward smear. I already had locally advanced adenocarcinoma when I was originally diagnosed at stage 2b, so it had already done some spreading nearby which meant a hysterectomy wasn’t possible for me and I needed to go straight to chemoradiation.

    I also had a recurrence found just 9 months after my treatment ended, so that’s what made my own situation more complex. If you click on my name, you would be able to read my story. 

    I have to say that none of my consultants have ever been morbid, despite my situation. My original consultant said he was “treating to cure” and I did have a complete response to my original treatment. I was just unlucky in that my cancer recurred in the same place and was therefore more difficult to deal with after I had been through a lot of radiation. 

    Even though I had my recurrence, my new surgeon was still hopeful for me, a despite a fairly low chance of survival at 30%, I chose to put my trust in her, and I’m glad I did, because I have just passed the 5 year anniversary of my particular surgery. 

    You are welcome to start a new post about how you can improve your own health. For me, I didn’t follow any special diets or remove things from my life. To be honest, I’ve had advanced cancer, and if comes back then it will regardless of what I eat. I know vegans and vegetarians with cancer who live very clean lifestyles but they still got cancer. I want to be able to enjoy my life and I try to eat a healthy balanced diet, but I don’t deny myself anything I’d like to have in  my life. I don’t want to feel miserable and deprived! Life is hard enough without that for me.

    Please don’t feel a burden by asking any questions. That’s what the group is here for. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi CC2025,

    I am really sorry on what you are going through and I just wanted to say that I understand how difficult it is to process.. I just wanted to say that each case is different and the bright side is that it is treatable and in some cases curable. I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in 2020 stage 2b and I had the chemo/ radiation and brachytherapy treatment back then. Since then I am free from the disease without any significant side effects. I will be 5 years post treatment in 6 months and I will be discharge from the hospital finger crossed! 

    Regarding the diet I was in healthy weight having healthy meals and never smoked so I cannot blame my dietary choices. I was on the pill for more than 10 years which efectively might increase your cancer risk profile but again not for everyone. So I think you cannot do much rather than keep having a balance diet. 

    I really wish all the best for your treatment and hung in there! 

    Maria xxx