Like falling off a cliff….

  • 14 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all! my treatment for Stage 3 cervical cancer ended at the start of January and since then I’ve felt as though I’m in free fall. Emotions have been all over the place and I feel so guilty for everything that my diagnosis has meant to my friends and family. One minute I feel like me, but the smallest thing can cause me to crumble into a hysterical sobbing mess. Does anyone else feel like there’s a huge void after treatment that they just don’t know how to process? 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    Yes, this sounds very familiar! Congratulations on finishing treatment, but now a whole load of emotions come into play as you process what you’ve been through. 

    When I finished my treatment I felt a sense of being abandoned in a way-we’ve had loads of different appointments, going daily to the hospital for radiotherapy, going through chemo and suddenly it all stops. The safety net of being seen very regularly by the staff and monitored is suddenly not there any more, and I found that a bit scary. 

    It’s hard to explain unless you’ve been through it, because others who have not experienced cancer can think that treatment is the end and everything’s done and dusted now. You’re supposed to be fine, but often we’re simply not. 

    Typically there’s a wait for a post treatment check up (mine was at 6 weeks) and then a scan usually at 3 months to see how the treatment has gone. Meanwhile we have worries that the treatment may not have been fully successful, we may need more and we get anxious about our follow ups. 

    All this was perfectly normal for me but I will say that the further out I was from treatment, the easier things became. We’ve been through some pretty intense treatment over a relatively short period of time and recovery from that, both mentally and physically, takes time. How are you feeling in yourself? Have you had any lingering side effects, or did you get through relatively unscathed? 

    I feel you need to be kind to yourself, let yourself feel those emotions, cry if you need to-whatever you feel is how you need to feel as you process this phase in your life being done with. Try to think positively that the treatment will have been successful and recover at your own pace-there’s no right or wrong way to do that. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  •   thank you so much for taking the time to reply Pray tone2

    everything that you’ve said is exactly how it has felt. So much anticipation for finishing treatment and expecting instant relief and a return to feeling ‘normal’ as soon as that last one is done and out of the way, and when it doesn’t feel like that and there’s nothing to focus on - no daily treatments, no scheduled follow-up - it really does feel a bit like you’ve been abandoned and you’re then stuck in limbo. 

    I do feel as though everything is starting to clear now I’m 6 weeks post treatment, but it’s so reassuring to hear that this is completely normal and that other people feel and have felt the same way, and that it does get easier.

    I’m feeling ok in myself so far, it’s just the unnnown of how treatment has gone and trying to process everything that’s happened over the last 6 months that I think can be overwhelming at times. Especially at the moment. 

    I hope that you’re doing well and got the outcome that your recovery post-treatment is treating you kindly, and thank you so much again for taking the time. It’s so reassuring and means a lot Heart


  • Hi  

    Honestly, I recognise everything that you’re saying, and I’m sure others will too and come along and post.

    Having something unknown hanging over our heads while we wait for the post treatment scan  stretches the process out as we don’t have all the answers we need yet. The hope is to get a “no evidence of disease” result from this scan, but if you don’t get this, it’s important to remember that radiotherapy continues to work in the body after treatment ends. Some ladies can be told at this scan that there is still something there, so may have to wait another three months to be scanned again. I was told at my 3 month scan that I’d had a complete response to treatment and there was no evidence of disease.  We just have to keep the faith during this waiting period!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi, I am also in this just waiting stage and it’s tough emotionally, I finished treatment in December and I’m waiting for a scan date, I had to go back to work as was driving myself crazy with too much time to think and figured a bit of normality would do me good , hope you are recovering well from treatment x 

  • Wow you have done really well to get back to work, I finished treatment in November and have only just began to feel like myself again in the last 2 weeks. I am now anxiously waiting for the results of my MRI scan. I still don’t feel 100% well enough to go back to work and am really stressing about finances now as my wage has been cut in half (which pays the bills) and I have been advised that as a single person I am over the threshold of £700 so cannot claim any benefits. 
    I’m in such a state mentally now as I know I am not fit enough yet to go back to work but I can’t afford not to work. It’s so tough 

  • Hi Trease

    I am really sorry to hear how your feeling at the moment and how overwhelming things may feel and can totally relate. My work place sick pay meant i was on 3 months full pay, then it would drop to half pay for a further 3 months and then nothing. After i had finished treatment i had used up nearly three months of my sick pay and anxious as to what the results of the first scans would mean in terms of potentially needing to have further treatment,more time off work and worrying about finances etc (single parent) i went back to work 4 weeks after treatment ended, this was a big mistake for me personally as physically and emotionally i was not ready. I had some traumatic experiences related to my care whilst an inpatient for my brachy and looking back i was not psychologically well enough to be at work. Unfortunately for me after 6 months of full time work in a very stressful job (child protection) my mental health ad physical health deteriorated and i ended up resigning which of course ended up increasing my financial woes. I know there is no easy solution but for me i wish i had put my health first (easier said then done i know when the very real threat of not being able to pay the rent/mortgage is in the picture), and listened to my mind and body more and delayed my return to allow me to further recover. Im not sure if you have already sought guidance re finances but i found the mcmillian helpline really helpful, it may be worth checking out for yourself with the online calculators for universal credit that are available online what your entitlement may be etc. I also found myself calling the helpline at that time for emotional support and found them really understanding and caring. Wishing you the very best for the upcoming scans. Best

  • Thankyou, I only work part time but it’s a physical job and was tough at first but my energy levels are getting better although I do ache n feel like I’ve ages 20 yrs Confused its done me the world of good for my mental health 

    im sorry to hear of your financial situation and hope you can get some extra help to ease the stress 

    All the best for upcoming results x 

  • Hi  

    I’m sorry to hear you are still struggling and how hard it is for you. I’m very glad I was already retired so didn’t have to think about returning to work, but I understand the emotional pressure we are all under after cancer and treatment.

    I know you have said you are not entitled to any benefit, but I’ll put a link here to some information on finances to see if you can find anything helpful there. I’d strongly recommend calling the support line and talking through your circumstances with an advisor there.

    Impacts of Cancer

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah

    i am a teaching assistant but also do the role of SENCO assistant and Safeguarding lead so I know for the sake of the children I need to be mentally strong before returning to work. The treatment has also caused a fistula on my bladder, I can barely get around Asda without leaking so can’t imagine being stood up in a classroom all morning either! 
    I have regular blood tests and they always come back with low magnesium, iron and B12 which I take tablets for now but I often feel drained and tired. 
    I have just called McMillan and they told me to apply for UC - I’ve had a go at their online form but am finding myself swearing at the phone so have had to take a break and try again later haa

    Thata another thing I’m finding, my patience levels r very low! 
    it’s been such a long recovery process and I’m still not there yet but getting there slowly. 

  • You relly have done well to go back to work, you should feel really proud of ur achievement.