hrHPV positive with symptoms

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  • 24 subscribers


I have just been diagnosed with “high risk HPV other”.

It came as quite a shock. I am going in on Tuesday to get a Pap smear (I believe?) to check for any abnormal cells.

i have been feeling “off” for the last few months. Something has been wrong with my periods. My periods have always been very consistent. The last 3 cycles have been different.

shorter and lighter. Then late and shorter, but with some light post menstrual bleeding. Just before my last period, I had sex which was a bit painful and caused bleeding for a few days. I have no idea when my period started or ended but I bled for a total of 12 days.

Some really bad lower back pain accompanied by pelvic discomfort. Just different to my usual.

Before I got my swab, I went to see a gynaecologist who did an intravaginal scan and said there was nothing there and everything looked normal.

the next day I got my swab, and a few days later got the HPV diagnosis.

I am surprisingly calm, but I have my moments (like now) where I just don’t really know what to think and just feel scared.

its hard for me to think the diagnosis and symptoms are a coincidence.

i have tingling in my feet (pins and needles) which I have heard COULD be something related.

It’s just a gruelling wait!

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    It’s very, very common to carry the hpv virus-almost everyone who has ever been sexually active has encountered it at some stage in their lives but of itself it doesn’t cause symptoms. There are more than a hundred different types of hpv, and the high risk types are the ones which can cause some of us to have issues with cell changes.

    The screening test you are having will check for any abnormal cells and further diagnosis goes from there. It may be that your symptoms are connected, so I’d mention them at your test. I’ve never heard of pins and needles being reported anywhere as a result of hpv or abnormal cells so there may be no connection there.

    Waiting is always a drag, but try not to make assumptions about anything being wrong until you know more and I hope you’ll come back and let us know how you get on. There will be more waiting I’m afraid, as anything identified from your screening will need further testing. I don’t recommend going to Google for answers as it can’t diagnose what’s wrong and will give you more anxiety.

    Sarah xx

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