waiting for biopsy results and struggling with info from DRS!!!

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Has anyone else struggled with getting results or any info AT ALL!

so i have posted already asking for advice as i was having abnormal bleeding, saw a Dr (08/11/24) who sent me straight to colposcopy after seeing something she thought was abnormal. Had a colposcopy, biopsy and smear done all at once (21/11/24)
Received no communication afterwards, but checked my NHS app regularly which eventually told me (05/12/24) the results of my smear, which where severe cell changes and high risk HPV. but no biopsy results. 
Then checked again to see if anything else was put onto my app and there was an appt that had been made with gynae again for 12/12/24. 

Waited for a letter to arrive for this appt as i was nervous that maybe i was getting the news face to face that it was cancer.. received nothing. so by chance i called them the day before my appt.. to be told it was actually being cancelled as the dr was poorly but it was just for a colposcopy,i told the receptionist i have had one and still waiting for biopsy results. she put me on hold as she was confused & looked over notes. she came back and said "ahh yes so youll be coming in for a bigger biopsy and treatment of the cells but im unsure of why you haven't received biopsy results yet so ill chase it. but your appt will now be on the 30th"

Fast forwards to this week, i recieved a note on my NHS app that stated a Dr from my GP has left me a voicemail as i need to come in for a repeat smear. which had confused me, so i called them back, they had no idea what was going on and asked if id received any letters to which i have not. They told me to ring gynae for an update as a smear isnt needed.
Called the gynae today and spoke to the receptionist again, who still had no idea what i was coming in for on the 30th. She said its not a smear its going to be a colposcopy.. I HAD TO REPEAT AGAIN THAT IV HAD ONE!! 
she put me on hold again to speak to a consultant, came back and said its unusual iv not had my biopsy results or letter and shes going to chase them up again but im still to come in on the 30th for the LLetz not a colposcopy. 

Has anyone struggled to get results or letters? am i just to wait till the 30th? do biopsy results take longer?
i don't understand why the hospital and GP are giving each other different procedures for me, i feel like no one knows what they are doing and im going to get lost. im worrying about my symptoms and how long this is taking to even get results
also those who had a LLetz how long to wait for results back?

  • Hi  

    Honestly, it’s no wonder you are confused-what a mess they’re making of giving you clear information. The gp normally just gives smear appointments on a schedule that they get given from the national screening service in my experience, and also in my experience no-one shares information!

    It sounds like the gp note about getting a smear was based on the normal screening schedule, but didn’t take account of the fact you don’t need one at the moment as it’s just been done. 

    I remember you being told you need a bigger biopsy, which suggests that the results from the original biopsy were not sufficient for some reason, but that would mean they’ve already had the results from the original biopsy. 

    What I would do is go to the appointment on the 30th and find out exactly what’s happening, what the original biopsy results showed and what the reason for the LLETZ is, as it seems that’s what will be getting done. The hospital is the information to follow rather than the gp in your case.

    I struggle sometimes with the nhs app definitely-information missing, not recorded correctly etc, but that’s an administrative issue, which often causes confusion. I have for the last couple of years had multiple letters calling me for a smear but the gp won’t stop them until told to by the screening service-despite telling them that the surgery I’ve had means I cannot ever have a smear again. 

    It’s hard to say how long it will take to get your LLETZ results because of the time of year, but ask when you go to the appointment how long it will be expected to take to hear back. 

    If you remain unhappy about what’s happening, you do have the option of contacting PALS at your hospital, which deals with complaints and concerns about treatment. Every hospital has this department. It’s so stressful not knowing what’s going on, but actually you haven’t been waiting long in the grand scheme of things-getting a colposcopy and results can often take weeks-but it shouldn’t have a detrimental affect on your outcome. It’s just very difficult for you with the wait and not knowing what’s going on.

    Sarah xx

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