Would ultrasound show anything?

  • 15 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi all I am looking for a bit of information. I have been having some bleeding in between cycles and have some discomfort (not really pain) in my left side and pelvis. I have had a smear done earlier in the week so still waiting for the results. But I was also give an upper abdominal and pelvic ultrasound. All of which was clear, kidneys, liver bladder ovaries and nothing else in my pelvis "jumped out". So my question is if even my smear test results come back with the worst is it more likely that it would still be early on or would advanced changes not show up on an ultrasound. I've read confkicting report that advanced cervical cancer would shows up on an ultrasound and others that show it would not. I felt relieved at first that the ultrasound was clear and if I am diagnosed it will be at a stage where I can fight it but now I'm concerned that the ultrasound was useless. I have a long family history of cervical cancer including my mum so I'm concerned.

Many thanks

  • FormerMember

    I was diagnosedwith cervical cancer a week before Xmas 2017. I've done loads of reading and Google and that' really not good. Each and everyone of us are different. What ever the out come you will fight it anyway. 

    And for piece of mind cervical cancer isn't genetic love as I asked my consultant having a daughter I was worried for her x hope this helps 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Unfortunately an ultra sound is unlikely to show anything, I also in the lead up to diagnosis had x2 ultra sounds that came back clear. A few weeks later I was sent for a colposcopy and diagnosed 3 days later. Fingers crossed for you that its nothing and your smear comes back clear! Thinking of you and please let us know! x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there! 

    Ultrasounds are useful for picking up CC in its advanced stages but not the precancerous stages like CIN. Ultrasounds can detect lesions, cervical irregularities in regards to shape and fibroids and polyps so I was always assured that if there was something big enough in there that’s causing all my problems then hopefully it would of been seen and like you I had the all clear and I’m just waiting on a biopsy as a precaution as no one knows why I have such an ‘angry’ cervix. Hope everything goes well for you xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had a clear smear in August 2012 and diagnosed with cervical cancer in Dec 2013. I had a radical hysterectomy had 4 out of prescribed 6 chemos as bloods too low and 7 weeks of radiation. I have one more hospital check due in August and expect to be given the ‘all clear’ then. Good luck to you all. It can be cured! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi jan

    It’s nice to read your post about being pot treatment and hopefully getting an all clear. It is positive and is making me feel hopeful if my diagnosis is cancer. 

    I’m at the start of the process and am waiting for an urgent scan which I will have on the 14th. How long after your initial scan did you get a diagnosis? X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Unfortunately my 2 ultrasounds didn't pick up my advanced CC, I had a 4x7 cm tumour that the ultrasound missed. It was only when I had a colposcopy was when the docs could diagnose. Always persist if something doesn't feel right to you! Well wishes to all of you xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh my goodness! That’s insane! hope everything is going well for you with your treatment and all? 

    It’s only recently I have really pushed, I’m only 24 and doctors always say “you have age on your side”.. not really reassuring! I think us ladies know our bodies best and when something  doesn’t feel right we need to keep pushing! Xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had a bleed In December and a colposcopy the same week just before Xmas. On the first working day of January I was called by my doctor and asked to go in to see him.,  I had stage 1 which after my hysterectomy was told had spread to my lymph nodes which they had not expected at all making me a stage 3 which was very frightening. I had to have a lot of lymph nodes removed during the op. After the 6 weeks recovery I went straight into chemo and radiotherapy. I hope this helps. 

  • FormerMember

    Have you had your ultrasound scan yet? X

  • FormerMember

    Hi just been on google and came across your post I seem to have similar symptoms I’m 25 and been bleeding for the past 8 weeks now went to my doctors they did an examation then sent me straight to the hospital iv been feeling so weak and they said I was anemia (or how ever you spell it) and that he couldn’t believe I was standing looking at how low my red blood count was but that’s what’s causing my dizziness and iv lost all my appetite when I first went to the hospital and he checked me over he did say there was a lot of tenderness and my ovarys were inflamed but didn’t know if this was due the all the bleeding I have my ultra sound on Monday I wasn’t really worried about things so haven’t told my family but after reading some of the reply’s on here I’m starting to worry thinking it’s a little more than i think “/ just wondering if you had yours ? And what to exscpet Xx