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I’ve just finished 6 rounds of paxital and carboltian .

I’ve just started rads this week with cisplatin .

I’ve been feeling fine etc but my bloods taken day prior to chemo showed very low neutrophils and low blood count . I’ve been told chemo delayed but rads still going ahead . I’ve got to have injections and blood transfusion to help with blood work .

Has anyone else had this problem? And did it take long to resolve so can commence chemo . 


  • Hi  

    At one point my blood count was too low, so when I went for my chemo the next day after the test they did another blood test. Still came back too low, so my chemo was cancelled. It was to be my 5th dose, and it wasn’t rescheduled for a later date. My consultant said I was just below the limit they would have wanted on my bloods but as the radiotherapy was the primary treatment when you are doing concurrent radio and Cisplatin he wasn’t concerned about not having this final dose.

    It will be different for you having been on the other chemos first but hopefully the transfusion will help and you can get started on your chemo soon.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Sarah I guess first lot knocked it out . Thanks for your continued support . You are an inspiration to people . X 

  • I hope you managed to be reassured that Cisplatin doesn’t cause hair loss and you won’t be using the cold cap this time round. It’s a long enough day on the day you have both chemo and radiation! Hope your radiotherapy continues smoothly-speak up to the team if you have any issues with side effects.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi granny55 , 

    I went through pacitaxel and carboplatin to begin with for 6 weeks and didn’t have any issues , but it was when I started cisplatin and radiation that my issues started , my bloods came back with low HB and low neutrophils also so I missed my first chemo but had the radiation, I managed to have 3 chemo sessions but I ended up in hospital on Monday due to low magnesium and low calcium levels which caused pins and needles all over and spasm in hand when they tried to take blood pressure, My HB was 108 so had IV magnesium and IV calcium and two units of blood , I was told because of the low levels of all 3 , the consultant didn’t see any point going ahead with last chemo but to continue with radiation as that is more important than the chemo apparently, I finish my radiation on Fri, but then I have 4sessions of brachytherapy to do , I feel cisplatin does cause low electrolyte levels and low blood counts , it didn’t take the nursing staff long to sort me out within 24 hrs but u do feel so much better after blood transfusion, hope this helps 

  • Hi everyone 

    Thankyou for your reply . I’ve had 1st cyplastin today thankfully but need another blood transfusion Friday . So hopefully that will all come good but they’re the experts . 
    Hope how did you find brachytherapy ? 
    I have to have 2/3 after rads . I’ve not had hysterectomy 

    kind regards