Hysterectomy question older women

  • 15 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hi I have my RH booked for Monday 13/1, am feeling anxious about it but kind of want it done now as it’s hanging over me and just want to start moving forward with recovery. I am 61 and went through menopause at 46, all meno symptoms mostly gone by mid 50’s. So as they’ll be removing everything how likely is it I’ll get a return of meno symptoms? I thought I would be ok but apparently the ovaries still produce small amounts of oestrogen for years so is this something else I’ll have to deal with? Interested in other post meno ladies experiences x thanks x

  • Hi Seffie,

    It depends if RH stands for routine hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy? If radical then they will remove the ovaries too. I went through the menopause at similar age to you & at 52 I'm symptom free. I had a modified radical hysterectomy yesterday & was told that there's always a small chance that minor symptoms of menopause could return for a short period. Good luck for next week.

  • Hi thats interesting thanks x sorry-its a radical hysterectomy, they’re taking everything! I dont mind if I just get some mild symptoms, just dont want to go through bad symptoms again as really feel thats behind me but I can handle some mild symptoms I think x thanks and I hope you’re recovering well x

  • Hi  

    Just popping on to wish you all the best for your upcoming surgery. I hope it goes smoothly for you and your recovery goes well. 

    My radical hysterectomy was abandoned while I was on the operating table 5 years ago this week, but I did have my ovaries removed as part of my larger surgery a few weeks later. I was 57 at the time, and had gone through the menopause with no issues at around 52. After my surgery I had no menopause symptoms at all, thankfully. With a radical hysterectomy taking everything, I hope you find you are not troubled by any meno symptoms as you recover. Take things easy! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Seffie, Thank you, I'm doing better than I thought I would albeit early days. My hospital has a rapid recovery team with lots of good advice so hoping I'll be discharged tomorrow. 

    All the best for next week, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  • Hi I had a pelvic exentaration last may and I’ve had everything removed as well as my bladder and bowel. O wish you well 

  • Thanks very much Sarah, good to hear you had no issues! I’ll try to post an update soon, thank you x

  • Thanks very much, I’ll be doing all I can to support my recovery, please share anything useful x take care x

  • Thank you x I hope you’re doing well now, thats a big op, all the best to you x

  • My advice would be to you and anyone else would be don’t  let yourself get constipated! The bowel doesn’t like being manhandled during the op and it can take time to start working properly again. 

    It’s very useful to put your feet up on a little stool when you’re going to the loo, ans it puts you in a more natural position to make things easier, and don’t strain. Also, I found it better to take stool softeners rather than laxatives as they are kinder to you. Constipation was my biggest issue and I wish I had taken stool softeners earlier. Even though I didn’t have anything removed in my attempted RH, I still had a large open abdominal incision and I was so scared of bursting my staples! Peppermint tea was good to stop a windy tummy too.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah, thats very helpful x