LLETZ Procedure! Very Scared!

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Hey everyone, I'm a 30 year old new mother and I had abnormal bleeding in 2022, I had a smear and it came back as abnormal cells. I was referred for a colposcopy which came back as okay and was told to attend my normal smear in 3 years.

Fast forward to May 2024 after I've had my little girl and my implant refitted after giving birth and the bleeding started again. I put it off for a bit as the bleeding was on and off and thought it may be to do with my new implant. Finally in October 2024 I went private to see a gyno who did an examination and said she couldn't see anything but also did a smear just in case.

I never heard back so assumed the smear came back fine (silly me didn't follow up with having a new baby and life getting in the way!)

Fast forward again to today (January 2nd 2025) and I get a call from the gyno saying they finally received my results and I'm now high risk and needs a LLETZ procedure next week. She said she wasn't worried its cancer but I should get the procedure done ASAP.

I'm absolutely terrified I've got cancer as the bleeding is definitely a symptom and the results took months to come back which has obviously delayed treatment. I've got an 8 month old little girl and I am so scared that I'm going to end up dying and leaving her. My mum had to have a radical hysterectomy when she was 38 and so i am so scared that I'm at a later stage of the cancer and won't be able to be cured.

Just looking for some words of reassurance!

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I can see you are very anxious, but think you are racing ahead with your thoughts because you’re scared. 

    Your gynaecologist has told you that she is not concerned you have cancer, and bleeding can be caused by many things which are not cancer. I’d hold onto those thoughts and go to have the LLETZ procedure done. Perhaps it’s the words “high risk” that have concerned you most? 

    Having high risk hpv absolutely does not mean you would ever have cancer now or in the future-many people carry the virus and it never causes any issues for them. It sounds like abnormal cells have been identified but abnormal cells are not cancer. If they are high grade abnormal cells then it’s a good idea to have them removed and this will be done in the LLETZ procedure. 

    After you have the procedure next week the cells removed will be analysed by the lab, and the hope is that the procedure will have removed them all-you will be checked again in a few months. 

    Focus on what you know for now, which is that you are having a minor procedure to remove some cells and try not to let your mind run away with itself.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,

    Thanks so much for your swift response, I think it's the fact that my mum has been through similar and the fact I have really bad health anxiety that is causing me to spiral a bit. Just to top it off I've been informed now that it was human error on not telling me the results back in October and they've actually known since then that I'm high risk! I could have had this done months ago and now I'm even more terrified that it's developed into something more. The fact I have symptoms along with the results so far has got me panicking majorly! I don't like the fact that the delay makes me untrustworthy of the gyno now and her saying she's not worried doesn't really give me much reassurance when she forgot to tell me my results in October!

    I know i need to try focus on the positives but with the LLETZ being an entire week away, the fear is right at the forefront of my mind! I'm not even sure how quickly I'll get the results back either. If this was pre-baby I don't think I'd be so worried but the thought of not being around to see my daughter grow up is heartbreaking.

    Thank you for your kind words of support, they really have helped me! 

  • The delay in getting your results is regrettable, but should not have any detrimental affect on your outcome-these cells are typically very slow growing. Waiting a week for you LLETZ will make no difference either.

    For some context, and maybe to give you some perspective, I had multiple symptoms and very high levels of pain and serious bleeding for more than a year before I even went to a doctor. Yes, I got a cancer diagnosis, but was successfully treated and that was more than 6 years ago.

    My cancer recurred and I had massive surgery (far bigger than a hysterectomy) almost 5 years ago. I’m still here, and still well. 

    I have 2 daughters and NEVER thought I would be leaving them-I have a new baby granddaughter and don’t focus on the fact that I used to have cancer. 

    Please don’t waste your life thinking you have cancer-you only have cancer if they tell you that you do, and no-one has said that. You might have a bit of a wait for your results from the LLETZ, but I’d recommend you seek some help from you gp with your anxiety if you feel things are getting too much for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,

    Thank you for the perspective it does really help with understanding how these things work. I read in a few places that the cancer is really aggressive once you have it? Is that wrong? I think im worried that I've had cancer now since at least the beginning of 2024 with not a single bit of treatment given which is obviously very scary!

    Thanks again!

  • Cancer affects everyone differently, no matter what the cancer type. Some cancers are more aggressive than others, but everyone’s outcome is unique for them. 

    I‘m not sure where you are reading that “the cancer is really aggressive once you have it.” Was that from Google and did it relate to cervical cancer? 

    I notice that you posted previously in another group where your anxiety had led you to believe you had breast cancer. I’m presuming you didn’t as you didn’t post again about this? 

    But honestly, Dr Google is not the place to be seeking answers, if that’s what you are doing-especially with no diagnosis. It really will not be helpful for you-it will only fuel your anxiety.

    I didn’t use Google even with a cancer diagnosis! I trusted my doctors, though I appreciate you have had your trust shaken a little. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,

    Yes Google is my worst enemy, I tend not to Google until something happens and then I seem to spiral. I have been diagnosed with anxiety so it is definitely part of it. I did see a doctor a few years ago regarding breast cancer and was told it wasn't which is definitely positive. I will try keep off of Google. I lost both my grandparents to Covid and since then my health anxiety has been extremely high and so any news relating to a potential issue with my health really does get me worked up. I saw online that there are several types of aggressive cervical cancer and just worry it could be what I have.

    Thanks again for the support and sorry for being so anxious and emotional. I know logically it doesn't help and isn't right but still hard to keep emotions in check when I'm worried.

  • It is very hard to keep anxiety under control-I really do understand that and I have counselling myself for it which has really helped, although mine is not specifically health anxiety. 

    There are several different types of cervical cancer, and it is true that some types are more aggressive than others. I had adenocarcinoma which I was told at my diagnosis appointment was rarer than the more common squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment would have been the same for either type. I’d suggest NOT researching cervical cancer types without a diagnosis though, as it will make your anxiety even worse.

    Please get some help from your gp to try and get control of your anxiety-spiralling is not good for you or your baby. And please try and keep away from Google! 

    If you’d like to get some help, I can also recommend calling the Macmillan support line-the number is in my signature. This might help reassure you and they have nurses available to talk to.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I got a call on xmas eve24 saying I could have cancer .I'm so scared I can't eat or sleep.im waiting for my 2 week urgent appointment for gynaecology to come through.my husband has th wrong attitude towards what I'm going through

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    Would you like to share a little bit more about what’s happened with you? Who phoned to tell you this? Was this after a test of some sort? 

    I’m sorry to read you feel your husband has the wrong attitude but maybe he just feels that you need to find out more first before you panic, or maybe he’s scared? I hope you can let us know a bit more about your situation.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I went for a vaginal scan becuz of bleeding through my menopause and th tests came bk to notice that th thickening of my wall was thick and they noticed something on th scan .anyway xmas eve th doctor called me from th surgery to tell me that it was bad news and she's sorry to call me on Xmas eve .it ruined my Xmas I was scared.couldnt stop crying now I have to jgo for a biopsy c what stage I amxxx