Trying to be prepared!

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Hi I have had High risk hpv and cell changes the last few years on 1 year cervical screening, colposcopy and biopsies this time last year showed low grade changes. Safe to wait another year, This time my cervical screening results have come back with hpv High risk and cell changes (no surprise) although what did surprise me was the colposcopy appointment letter that came with that. Normally i would have quite a wait for the colposcopy but this time my appointment is 4 days. My cervical screening results did take around 8 weeks to come back! I have been reading around and maybe scared myself a little seeing the appointment is so soon. Wondering if anyone had the same experience and what the reason for that was? 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I don’t have a similar experience as I didn’t go through the same in terms of abnormal cells so I’ll leave any other members to comment on that.

    However, although I know it’s worrying to get an appointment you didn’t expect so quickly it’s not necessarily a cause for concern. Sometimes it’s simply because there is a slot available at your particular clinic-maybe because of a cancellation for example.

    I’m not sure what you may have been reading on the internet, but I’d caution care with doctor Google! The internet can’t tell you what might be seen at your colposcopy, and can’t give you answers about your particular situation, so it’s often not helpful.

    It’s not possible to know why you’ve had an appointment so quickly, but it does mean you don’t have long to wait and will get answers soon. I’d see that as a positive thing-saves you stressing for potentially a few weeks and becoming more anxious.

    I hope you’ll let us know how you get on at your appointment, and the group is here for support if you need it. Good luck!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hey thank you for your quick response. I know I'm actually the worst for googling... and of course now I'm looking at symptoms that I didn't think much of and thinking ooh maybe I should have paid more attention to that! That's definitely a better way of looking at it that at least I don't have long to be anxious about it. I don't do well I'm situations I have no control over and can't plan for so I tend to try figure it all out on my own and Google is certainly not helping. Glad I found this place, I will definitely keep you updated. Thank you. 

  • I was the opposite in terms of Google-I didn’t go near it! I chose not to look or read anything because I knew it wouldn’t help me personally, so I preferred to wait to speak to my doctor and then have tests. That meant I wasn’t really concerned about anything while I was waiting.

    You said you’d had some symptoms which you maybe should have paid more attention to? Abnormal cells in themselves, and indeed the hpv virus, don’t normally present with symptoms, so when you go for the colposcopy please mention this to the nurse or doctor so that they have a full picture of your history.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yeah I really shouldn't! Definitely gonna stay away from now on. I've read some of your story on other threads that's absolutely incredible what you have gone through. So brave!! Yes I always have an irritated cervix and bleed during examinations and what not. I'm not active so can't comment on that but over the past few months have had some bleeding during movements, sorry for the tmi, pain in lower back like a tight pain and round my right side groin, extremely tired.. but all of that could be down to several other things I have 3 boys 1 who has extreme complex needs and autism so I'm always tired anyway amd have low folic acid. And the pain I strength train so aches and pains kind of just are the norm now... but i will be sure to mention it all at my appointment on Tuesday. How are you doing now? 

  • Nothing is ever tmi on a group like this, so don’t worry about that! 

    It will be helpful to chat through those things you’ve mentioned while you’re at the clinic-they can all have non-sinister explanations but the more information you provide, the more it will help in any further tests required, if they are. 

    Gosh, no wonder you’re always tired with 3 youngsters to look after-that must be exhausting for you. If you need any biopsies taken at your colposcopy (that will depend on what they see) then you may have some bleeding and cramping, so I’d recommend taking a pad with you in case they don’t provide one. I never thought about this in advance and did bleed quite badly when I was being examined but I also had some punch biopsies taken. I wish I’d taken a pad with me!

    You might need a day or so to recover, so this is just a heads up as you’ve said you like to be in control! Equally, it might be fine of course.

    Thank you for saying you think I was brave, but in reality I just had to get on with everything I was facing and get through as best I could. No other choice really, but overall I am doing ok now, although my life is very different. But I’m very glad to still be here to tell the tale!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yeah I can imagine it can get like that. I will definitely do that I feel like last time I was overwhelmed with it all I probably missed a lot. I did have 6 punch biopsies the last time and forgot to take a pad got one of theirs and it was huge! I do remember being quite tender for a couple days after, thank you for the reminder I appreciate that. So easy to forget the small things in the midst of everything! 

    Yeah I bet, but to go through all that and be here to tell the tale has to be the best feeling ever! I'm sure you have inspired and uplifted many people here. It's so nice to hear advice from people who have gone through these experiences and so much more. 

    • UPDATE! So had colposcopy this morning, she said my cytology showed severe dyskaryosis so she took some more biopsies and said they would have me back in for treatment. Not sure if they are waiting for biopsy results first as I forgot to ask, but I guess for now just wait and see. 
  • Hi  

    Normally they would need the biopsy results to be back to decide on the next steps with any treatment, so I hope you don’t have too long to wait.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • This is the same as my experience exactly. I have Stage 1 cervical cancer , the consultant recommended hysterectomy and I await the date for this. I was recalled to colposcopy after my biopsy via NHS app, no letter in the post and so I rang and said I wanted the results as I was so worried, he told me the diagnosis over the phone. He also said hysterectomy will remove the cancer entirely. I have had my kids ( I’m 44) so this is my preferred solution as I can’t bear to go back every year to be told my HPV has caused cell change

  • Hi Emma, I'm sorry about your diagnosis, I'm still awaiting biopsy results but has only been 6 days so far. How long did yours take? That's good news the hysterectomy will take it away and you won't have the constant worry every year. I've had 1 clear cervical screening in about 8 years now. Just want to get it over and done with whatever the resukt. I'm 33 but I have 3 boys already so a hysterectomy wouldn't be the worst outcome although I would love to have 1 more but weighing it up it's not all that important. When are you due to go in? How are you feeling about it?