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Well ladies that's it. I've done it! Third and final treatment of brachy today. I'm so proud of me for getting through. Today I'm overwhelmed and so emotional to think I didn't think I could go on or get through and I've absolutely smashed it. I was petrified but I've been stronger than I ever thought I could be. The care I have received has been incredible. Ladies of your about to go through this I promise you can don't! 

  • Hi Susie pop,  I had 3 brachytherapy and can honestly say, due to the spinal block still taking effect, I never felt anything at all.  Also the team are so kind and caring, they will do anything to help.  Well done for getting this far and good luck for the rest! xxx

  • Hi Susie. It is terrifyingly I was absolutely dreading have brachy didn't know what to expect and I imagined the pain to be unbearable but I had a great team. I can't comment on the spinal unfortunately as I didn't have that. I was put to sleep under general anaesthetic that was administered through my hand/arm like a Cunulla you can feel a pinch as inserted only slightly more painful than having bloods then I was away with the fairies. When I woke I felt like I had period pains in my stomach and had the sensation that I needed to wee I was given oremorph and then honestly felt no pain. Your taken for a scan so they can see that everything is in the correct place then you have to lie flat while they prepare your treatment plan. It's important hun that you tell them if your uncomfortable and ask for pain relief if you need it as you have to lie flat for a while while plan is done. The treatment itself isn't painful. Before they remove the rods I personally was again given pain relief and had gas and air while they removed them. They remove what they call packing first can be slightly uncomfortable it's like having a wax strip removed but not as quickly they will go at a pace you choose. Only way I can describe removal is like the sensation of wanting to push when in labour but my experience was that it wasn't painful. It's almost impossible to do but I relaxed as much as I could down there. I didn't find it painful. It was nowhere near how bad or painful as I thought it was going to be. 

    You will get through it hun I promise. I know it's scary and not a nice thing to have to go through but it will be worth it in the end. Its a few last treatments now before this time is over with. Your stronger than you think you are. I will say that when you go into room initially there may be a few staff members in there. I'm only saying this as I thought this was daunting at first and I want to prepare you if that us the case. Try not to worry they are there all doing their part to ensure your looked after. Take the pain relief hun it helps x 

  • I am stage 3c. I have done 3 weeks of chemoradiotheraphy and have another 4 weeks  to do. They have told me I will have a drip in with morphine and I can have  the laughing gas ro relax me. I will have 2 rounds on 22nd of June and a further  2 on the 29th. I am really struggling with radiotherapy  as my bladder is inflamed  so keeping my bladder full is very difficult and I get anxious everyday. 

  • Hi 

    I wasn’t able to have brachytherapy so can’t comment on that, but wanted to welcome you to our group. I hope that the experiences from the ladies here will help put your mind at rest a little, as they’ve all come through this. 

    I found the whole full bladder and radiotherapy very difficult, so I can definitely sympathise with that aspect of treatment, and I got especially anxious if I wasn’t taken on time for my treatment, as it was so hard not to have an accident, trying to wait with a full bladder. 

    We have a lovely group of ladies here, and I hope you will find it an encouraging and supportive place to ask any questions or just vent to people who understand exactly what it’s like to go through this. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank tou for your reply and advice. I think I just have to accept that my radiotherapy  appointments are going to be long and just accept it. 

  • Hi Susie pop.

    Gosh iv never heard of having 2 brachy in 1 day..will u be admitted for the day then?  It sounds like you'll have plenty of pain relief and can ask for a top up in your drip if needed so I wouldn't Joyworry too much. The bladder thing is a pain, I agree. If we went in on time it wouldn't be so bad but delays are part and parcel of the process, I'm quite lucky as in I've always done my pelvic floor exercises (since having babies) which has given me good bladder control so if I had to wait longer and was uncomfortable I could "let out" a cup full and wait patiently lol.. we have all definitely be in your shoes and can sympathize, it's not easy, but you will look back 1 day and be able to giggle at the states we get ourselves in Joy. The end is in sight. Never lose hope.

    Angela xx

  • Sometimes they suggested I let some go, but if I started I couldn’t stop! I’m in awe of you managing to let a cup full out and then wait! Joy

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Oh Sarah it became embarrassing when they would say "oh your the lady who has great bladder control" I was a bit famous JoyJoyJoyJoy. But it done me well because there was no waiting about, I let some out then straight back in to scan room lol. I've noticed a bit less control after treatment finished but I can live with that lol 

    Angela xx

  • What a claim to fame! I’d try to let some go, not succeed and empty my bladder completely which made me have to start the whole drinking thing again and more waiting! I found it all very stressful! Joy No such worries nowadays as regards bladder control Joy

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • That's initially what they wanted me to do! Start all over but I convinced them I could let enough go to feel comfortable and come straight back! Their faces after the scan and radio were a picture!! They were like"how do you do that?" I told them it's my Ninja skill lol 

    Angela xx