On period... again and I'm done.

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So my body decided it would be fun to wait a week after some bleeding, not a period,  to give me a full blown period. In 2 days I've spent £20 on products. I can't sleep again with it and pain is bad I would gladly operate on myself to get itvout and get the pain gone. I can't take much more. I can't do anything,  breathing hurts let alone actually being a mom. Feel like my kids would be better if I just gave them to social services 

  • Hi Snobird

    Oh do let me know how your very 1sr day goes. Isn't it so good that we all have eachother for support, valuable tips and advice from more "experienced" fellow warriors?  By the time I'm starting my treatment you should be very close to getting your brachy so do please keep me posted. Good luck for Tuesday You got this!   MuscleMuscleMuscle

    Angela xx

  • Also Snobird I always assumed the brachy was at the end of my 5 week treatment but apparently it will begin on week 3 of treatment and on the days where I get brachy I won't receive external radiotherapy.. I don't know if this is normal procedure or an individual treatment plan for me but thought I'd throw it out there lol Rofl Best of luck.

    Angela xx

  • Hi BBT!  Yes, I also was under the impression that it was at the end but it sounds like my first one is going to start on the 4th or 5th week of treatment, but also brachy day is the same as Chemo day so ????  Hopefully all will be cleared up tomorrow at pre assessment.  I'm hoping to get a full schedule of the treatment including times for each day.  I will certainly let you know how I get on on Tuesday .... and beyond.  You are right, it is so good that we all have each other and the very generous experience that others share with us.  Do you have a start date yet?  Sending positive vibes to you xxx

  • Oh that's good to know that brachy could be in same day as chemo but you can update me please..I had my final planning CT scan on Thur along with the tattoos lol..so they said in next 2/3 weeks so fingers crossed..hope all goes well tomorrow and Tues for you. Best if luck and stay strong.

    Angela xx

  • Thanks so much, I think I may have misled you.. The CNS seemed confused that they were both on the same day and she said they won't do Brachy and Chemo so I'm at a loss.  Like I say, hopefully I'll know more tomorrow.  Thanks for your good wishes and I'll certainly keep you updated.  Bye for now and we will get through this. xxx

  • Hi Snobird

    I hope you get things clarified. I’ve never heard of anyone getting another treatment of any kind on the same day as the brachytherapy, I have to say. For the vast majority of the ladies I know who have been through this, the brachytherapy was done after the chemoradiation was finished, but I have seen ladies start the brachytherapy during their treatment-just definitely not on the same day as chemo or external radiation. 

    All the best for your appointment-I hope everything is explained and you get your schedule. xxx

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  • Hi Sarah 

    Yeah my nurse explained that for me, I would start brachy at week 3 or 4. And because it's internal radiation then I just wouldn't be given external on same day. So il miss 3 external but "gain" 3 internal lol Rofl Good luck to us all MuscleMuscleMuscleMuscle 

    Angela xx

  • Hi Angela

    Ah, I understand now. The brachytherapy is the “big hitter” here. Since I wasn’t able to have it, I had 7 extra doses of external radiation instead, so 32 in total. I’ll always wonder about not having the brachytherapy, but no point dwelling on something that was out of my control. They will have the best possible plan in place for you, so just trust your team and their expertise. xxx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • Hi Sarah 

    Are you finished all your treatments then? Or is investigations still ongoing? I realise everyone is different but I'm pinning my hopes on having all this treatment then getting on with life! Rofl I'm trying to be optimistic RoflRofl but also realistic.

    Angela xx

  • Hi Angela

    My original diagnosis was almost 3.5 years ago..I was unlucky in that my cancer returned 6 months after the all clear, but had extensive surgery in 2020 and got the all clear a second time. So I haven’t had any “treatment” for almost 2 years. Definitely keep an optimistic mindset as it really helps! xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm