New secondary breast cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers

I was diagnosed with breast cancer un July 22 and had a mastectomy,  chemo and radio which finished late August 23. After a lot of swapping medication about I finally got sorted and life was picking up, then in Feb 24 I got a blood clot on my lung,  October 24 I had to have a shunt put in my head due to hydrocephalus and to top off my year last week I was told I had secondary cancer in my liver and possibly the lymph nodes in my neck.  I am absolutely terrified and my head is spinning.  How do you come to terms with being told you can no longer be cured  

  •  Tricia1919,

    No wonder your head is spinning. There’s so much to take in and figure out. Everyone handles it in their own way, so I can only answer for myself. I was diagnosed last year with bone mets and approx 2 months ago it had spread to the stomach. I still have a lot of anger but starting to realise that spending time with my family is a great solace and hearing about their issues takes a lot of the focus away.

    I have my moments when I just let it go, but then I remember that I really just want to have some fun and watch others having fun. It’s a comfort. 

    I was offered to meet up with a group of people at the MacMillan centre near me. It sounds a fantastic idea and may go along, when I think I may be able to hold it together. I hope there’s a group near you that you could get to. There’s nothing quite like being with people that have experienced similar. 



  • Thanks for your reply it all just seems never-ending at the moment but I will look into macmillan meetings near me xx