2 hours waiting at clinic appointment

  • 2 replies
  • 31 subscribers

I attended clinic today for recent scan results. Which were stable so good news.

My rant is that twice now I've had to wait for 2hours at clinic appointment 

Other patients were coming and going and I was still waiting.

Lots came in well after me.

Eventually the Ayrshire cancer support tea lady went to find out what was happening. 

A breast nurse came and told me they were waiting on a room ??

Eventually put in a room to still wait.

By this time I was upset.

I left room and said I needed to be seen as I had to get home for my dog.

No one had come to update me on what was happening. 

I don't like to complain but I find this exhausting. 

The afternoon clinic was now starting.

I got home by 2pm.

It took the joy out of my results being stable.

I am sending a letter of complaint as no feasible answer was given to me about the waiting time.

  • FormerMember


    I'm sorry to read of your frustrating clinic visit. It's awful to be sat waiting, not knowing what's going on, whether you've been missed on the list and forgotten about.

    My last workplace before I had to retire was an outpatient clinic and oncology clinics are often running late, due to the needs of the patients. However, there should be whiteboards or digital screens with information about which clinics are running and whether they are on time or running behind and by how much. In this way, you would have been able to tell that those coming in after you but being seen first would be people for other clinics that were running on time. You would also have known how long you would have been waiting. I recommend that you complain about your visit as only then can improvements be actioned. If your hospital has a PALS, they can also investigate for you.

    I hope you get some answers and great news that you are still stable.

    A x

  • Thank you for your reply.

    I understand all the points you raised.

    I'm a retired nurse so know how the system is supposed to work.

    I have written a letter of complaint as this is the second time this has happened to me.

    Far too long to sit when unwell.

    Plus waiting on results is an anxious time anyway.

    Just happy my scan results are stable that's the main thing.

    Take care.
