Fit to fly

  • 6 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi, has anyone holidayed abroad since diagnosis? I'm worried I won't get sign off to fly. And should I request that from my GP or Oncologist? Waiting for my 1st scan, but if that shows stability or better still regression, would really like to get away.  I have stage 4 with bone mets , on Letrozole, Ribociclib (3rd cycle) and Denosumab injections . Tiredness only side effect, just fancy being tired somewhere hot with a pool! Thanks

  • I have stage 4 cancer and have been away a few times with my oncologist’s blessing. Insurance is expensive particularly if you are thinking of going outside Europe. I don’t think you need a letter or anything like that 

  • Thanks, that's good to know. X

  • Hi MicMcC. Since my diagnosis in July I’ve been to France (twice), Belgium and Turkey, and I’m off to Thailand in July. I’ve got insurance each time through a specialist provider recommended by my BC Nurse. It was around £70 per trip. There is a question about whether your oncologist is happy for travel. Mine encourages travel!  

  • The company I use is Insurance With. 

  • Hi MicMcC.

    I'm on ribociclib, Letrozole and iv bisphosphonates (every 3 months). My oncologist has said YES to holidays. I was diagnosed metastatic breast cancer with several bone mets, May 2024.

    I have 3 monthly bone scans., things are stable at the moment. Fingers crossedFingers crossed

    I've already been away 3 times for between a week and 10 days. The oncologist said that this treatment is so I can live my life, and he'd have been annoyed if I didn't go! Just need to be back in time for the ribociclib blood count. 

    I have had 2 hospital admissions with infection and fever and that worried me a lot. I got the oncologist to write a letter with my diagnosis and that if I developed a fever and infection, instructions of what's needed. This really reassured me. That letter is tucked into my passport!

     Maybe talk to a member of your team who  will listen, and get a professional view, as you will be more comfortable. 

    Wishing you all the best and hope you get the holiday you need.