Mobile Hairdressers in NI

  • 1 reply
  • 31 subscribers

Hi there, I’m new to the chat group here so please let me know if I’m in the wrong area. My mum was diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer just over a year ago, she’s doing pretty well but isn’t able to leave the house very often. I would like to arrange a hairdresser to come out for a treat, would anybody be aware of hairdressers NI based that do homers and are familiar cancer patients’ needs? 

Thanks so much! 

  • Hello Basquiat

    I am sorry to hear of your Mum's journey with breast cancer. I can understand why she would prefer to have a hairdresser come to her at home. I am the same. 

    I don't live in NI but saw your post and by responding hopefully it will bump your post. 

    I wonder if it would be worth speaking to Mum's hospital to see if they can recommend a hairdresser. At my hospital there was a hairdresser who would come in weekly and she was able to recommend people. You could also ask at a local nursing home perhaps as they often have weekly hair dressers come in and although may not be completely familiar with cancer patients, they would be very experienced with people with a variety of health challenges.

    I hope your Mum continues to do well and I think having her hair done as a treat is a lovely idea. I remember my first hair cut after treatment finished and it made me feel like myself again. 

    If there is anything else you need, please do ask.



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