Shoulder pain

  • 1 reply
  • 31 subscribers

In 2021 Ib was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Treatment of chemo them radiation.  Feeling good with a few issues with cramps and spasms in my breast and lately shoulder pain. I've been receiving blood tests as one minute my blood count is low,  near anemic, next it's not.  During one app I mentioned shoulder to doc and spasms/cramps that I've been having for the last few months.  She sent me for an xray, and this week she's messaged saying that she has asked for an urgent appointment with orthopedics. Stupidly I looked it up on Internet and now panicking I have secondary bone cancer. Not even sure why I'm writing this, but being in her helped a lot during initial diagnosis and treatment, and only a cancer survivor knows the way my mind is at the moment.  Thanks for reading. 

  • Hi ceegee,

    I have just replied to your post in the other forum.

    I hope that your appointment comes through quickly and gives you some reassurance and the answers you need. 

    I would recommend staying away from the internet as the information is not always accurate and can be quite scary. 

    Perhaps give the Support Line a call and speak to one of the nurses instead. They will understand your worries and will be able to offer support.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm