Radiotherapy for neck pain

  • 16 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Anyone had radiotherapy (5 shots) to relieve pain from mets in shoulder and neck? How did you get on? Did it work?

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your shoulder and neck pain. I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy to pelvic bone metastases in June 2022. I was in a lot of pain and my mobility was not good. After the sessions along with chemotherapy my pain reduced and my mobility improved. I am now currently stable after treatment. It was found on CT a long time after, that my pelvic bone had fractured due to cancer. There was evidence of healing bone due to treatment. So, I would say - yes, it my case it worked. This information may be useful to you

    Best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

  • I've been told the pain in my neck will get worse before it gets better, any idea how long it takes to feel some improvement after the five days is up? I have been prescribed oxycondon for when it gets bad to take alongside paracetamol. Any other side effects experienced?

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to say I can't really answer re how long it took. I was having chemo as well at the same time, so it's hard to say. As my radio was pelvic, I had sudden explosive diarrhoea, too much information, I know sorry. Skin damage to bottom and intense burning/itch. 

    It may be useful to ring your specialist nurse to ask about side effects, as neck region will, I imagine be different to those I had. I'm sure the Macmillan helpline will be useful to you also, this is the link

    Hope the painkillers are useful in the meantime. Hoping you get word for your radio sessions soon.

    A x

  • Hi DillonsMum

    I had one blast of RT on my spine as it was painful due to SBC.  They warned me it would be worse for a few days.  It was actually worse for about two weeks which was very hard and got me down.  It did ease greatly after that though.

    Hope that helps.


  • Hi DillonsMum I am on the 5 day treatment and had my 2nd today and have had really bad pain since I started but the ( Ciry Hospital Belfast ) warned me that it would happen and hopefully by Thurs I would see a differance.I am on 3ml  of Oxyconone every 4 hrs or when needed which I need for the pain in my sholder

  • Thanks for that. At least I know what to expect now. should start next week. Have you had any other side effects yet?

  • Just had a phone call to say my treatment due to start tomorrow is being replaced by a single dose. Anyone else had this happen? Any comments on side effects of single dose treatment?

  • Hi

    Just as above.  I was always to get just one dose.  Also at Belfast City Hospital.  I don’t know but wonder if this means you can get further doses if the pain returns.  I intend to ask that at my next review.  Let me know how you get on.  Good luck.  


  • Hi DillonsMum I had my treatment last week 5 days for Lung Cancer. The pain hasnt stoped and my lung cancer nurse told me today that it might take up to 4/6 wks b4 Iy takes effect. You can ask for your Oxycodone to be increased Mine has 3 times and up to 5ml today so hopefully I will be pain free from 2mor, So ring and ask your nurse to increase yours Hope this helps

  • Wow guys! I am just bout to have my first radiotherapy on Monday so was blown away when I saw this thread. I am so relieved to know there are others out there going through this and who know how it feels.

    Dillonsmum - I was only offered the single dose treatment. I think it is to do with the type of cancer and how it is presenting. I was told they are going to do a Big Dose to get it under control and hopefully get some mobility back in my right shoulder. Being right handed it has been one of my biggest problems so I am keeping everything crossed that this works. 

    They have already given me a bottle of oral morphine for the pain. I  don't do well on anything codeine based. I tried a dose yesterday as I was in a lot of pain after a whole day of hospital visits in 2 different hospitals. It totally knocked me out but after the best 3 hours sleep I was able to get on with things in the afternoon and felt a lot better. So maybe that could be an option if your other painkillers don't work?

    I was panicking about going for the treatment on my own. Especially when I found out that I had so far to walk and stairs to do etc and my legs are not good at the mo so its a long slow shuffle. My beautiful daughter has taken time off work and is driving a 3hr trip to bring me and look after me so I feel really blessed to have her. I also had a call from the district nurse who is coming the next day to see if she can sort out care if I need it. It was only last year I was doing this for my parents so I can't believe Im looking at this for myself! 

    I am hoping this works and that if it does they might offer me radiotherapy for my spine/hips so I can get some mobility back. Ive just started meds and have been told to be patient - but knowing I won't be able to drive for a while and finding getting up the stairs at night so hard - not easy to be patient...

    How are you all coping with this emotionally?