Blood clot

  • 2 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Anyone experienced a blood clot and on thinners? Had a clot in my neck and along my picc line discovered this week  And put on injections. The nurse practitioner basically said i would always have the clot and the pain - suppose Im looking for some hope , its really painful and stops me eating and drinking properly. Does  the body not break clots down? Will it move to my brain ? Im terrified as if mbc isnt enough. Sorry feeling glum need to give myself a kick and crack on but its so painful the thought of it never going is almost too much. 

  • FormerMember

    I'm currently in hospital with a blood clot  blocking a main vein and have been put on thinners.  They told me that the body disperses the clot and the meds help it do it quicker, so I don't think you will have it forever.

  • Thank you. its just so worrying especially when you dont feel as though youve had things explained properly. Hope you get out of hospital soon .

    Don't wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.