
  • 3 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi Ladies

anyone on the biosimilar Herzuma.  I have been switched to it for the past few months.  Her 2 positive, having it with my maintenance pertuzumab.

i have been very itchy and it is getting worse to the point it’s driving me nuts.  

Anyone else suffering with this new side effect?.?

  • Hi

    I've just popped over from the main breast cancer group as I saw you hadn't had a reply yet. I don't have any experience with Herzuma but have you been to your GP or breast team about the itching? They might be able to give you something to calm it?

    Sorry I can't be of more help - hopefully someone more useful will be along shortly!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ronstar

    Thanks Ronstar

    Yes I’ve tried all the creams and piriton, I was trying to persevere with it hoping it would pass.  It does sound minor but when it’s driving you mad and don’t sleep much anyway.

    will speak again with my doctor, got an appointment coming up for scan results end of the month..... fingers crossed,

    thanks for reply

  • Doesn't sound minor at all! Hope your doctor can help!
