Feeling rubbish on paclitaxel

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After having four rounds of EC I was told by pretty much everyone that paclitaxel is much better tolerated so I was looking forward to an easier time. I have no nausea which is a blessing, but the exhaustion and fatigue is intense. I have eight weeks to go and the mucositis is awful... Sore mouth, sore nose, sore vagina. I also have insomnia despite being so tired. I think I've been really strong but today was the first day that I've felt down and teary. I know that chemo is cumulative but at least when I was on EC, I knew that the nausea was time limited. I'm lucky if I get one good day a week and that is usually when I'm at the hospital a week since my last chemo. 

  • Hi Dee Dee

    Thank you for your post. I'm sorry to hear that Paclitaxel is affecting you badly.

    I had a similar experience with it last year. I also had 4 rounds of EC. My side effects from EC were debilitating. But with Paclitaxel, I found I had many side effects all of which you listed and then some! Each one by itself was not so debilitating but all together,  were a nightmare and really affected my quality of life. I too found my mood was affected.

    In encouragement, I  can only say be very kind to yourself in this time. Share how you're feeling with people in your life or on here. Tell your medical team about all side effects,  some can be treated. I know it's hard but when you can, keep up with any of your personal feel good activities. 

    When all else fails, cross off the days and weeks of treatment already achieved on the calendar!

    You will come to the end of this and your side effects will recede. 

    Sending you all the hugs, Shaka