Cumulative impact of Docetaxel/Cyclophosphamide chemo regime

  • 3 replies
  • 280 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have just complete first round of above regime and I am suffering numerous side effects, very nasty but bearable.  I'm seeking advice as to whether the side effects are likely to get more severe with each round of chemo.  I understand the fatigue gets worse but, other than that, do the other symptoms ?  I was borderline as to whether chemo would be beneficial for me but I decided to go for it as a belt and braces approach.  I am reconsidering this decision.  Predict shows no difference in outcomes and looking more long term shows slightly less favourable prognosis with the chemo.  Would appreciate any advice.  Thank you and best wishes to all.

  • Hello, 

    I had EC which I think is the same - ish! The C part is.. the E for me was a red liquid. Not sure the colour of yours. 

    What side effects are you experiencing? My first one, I ended up in hospital with suspected neutropenic sepsis, the second a throat infection and the last 2 were fine Slight smile 

    I was only in hospital because I’d had another chemo prior (PAC and CARBO) and they think it was still in my system so got hit hard… 

    Mine was every 3 weeks. For the first 3-4 days after infusion I was okay, then day 5 onwards it was like I was hit by a bus but I had that injection for white blood cells and was mainly bone pain which was from the injection. This lasted about a week then I was fine until next one… 

    Everyone is different. 
    Good luck in deciding xx

  • Thanks for the reply.  I am also experiencing bone pain.  I haven't had anything so severe ad yet, just nausea, constipation, headaches and tinnitus.  Very uncomfortable but bearable.  I am also every three weeks so hopefully will start feeling better in time for next one !  Hope all goes well with you xxxx

  • Hi

    I had 3 EC, (the C part), then went onto 3 docetaxel. I had to have chemo as I was HER2 positive, my oncotype DX score was 24, so chemo would not have been needed, but the HER2 overrode that. EC wasn’t too bad, docetaxel was awful. I went to A&E 4 times due to high temperatures. I had diarrhoea for 12 days, mouth ulcers and oral thrush, nose bleeds, racing heart and was dreadfully breathless. My oncologist reduced the dose for my last two treatments and I had a lot of medications to take. That did the trick and whilst I still had some side effects they weren’t as bad.