Nails lifting off after Docetaxel

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  • 277 subscribers

I finished Docetaxel 9 weeks ago and used polybalm throughout chemo for my nails. I temporarily stopped using it 4 weeks after chemo as per their recommendations but noticed my nails were beginning to turn yellow. I started using polybalm morning and evening again. Now I have pink new growth about a 1/3rd of the way up my nails with yellow in the top 2/3rds. I seem to have developed a deep ridge at the junction and on one of my thumb nails there is a split. Underneath the nail it seems thickened so I wonder if this is a new nail underneath?  Has anyone had similar issues and can talk me through what may happen?

  • Hi Cookie58

    Thank you for your post. 

    Sorry to hear of your nail woes. I'm not  sure what will happen with your nails. I'm in a similar but perhaps worse nail situation than you.

    I finished 4 x fortnightly EC and 12 wkly Paclitaxel 4mths ago. My nails, both hands and feet, were hit hard. I didn't use polybalm.

    I had and still have painful nail beds, black nails, thickened toe nails and hang nails. 

    Like you, for the past month or so, my new nail growth looks like pre-chemo nails. So, I'm hoping for a return to normal nails maybe by the end of the year?

    I look forward to hearing how other's have managed.

    Well done on getting though chemo. Wishing you well. Shaka 

  • You too Shaka. So sorry to hear of your issues too. There seems to be a lack of information on this subject doesn’t there? 

  • Thanks Cookie58,  yes I've mostly heard about discoloured nails but mine has been a whole lot more! 

    Oncology haven't offered much advice. Just said it will get better with time. I was prescribed some really strong painkillers for the nail bed pain but ended up not taking them.  Shoes are still difficult,  luckily I'm a converse kind of girl...

    I figure with the discolouration and lifting, the new nails will grow back fully attached and looking close to what they were before. Fingers crossed.