Hi all I’m coming to the end of chemo and having discussions about the lumpectomy operation can people let me know what to expect post op

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Can people advise how long I can expect to be in hospital and recovery afterwards 

  • Hi 

    hope you are keeping well, everybodies experiences are different but I had two lumpectomy’s done as first didn’t quite get it all.

    i was home within 24 hours of each operation. Just had to drink and eat and show I could go to toilet then was able to go home with someone else driving.

    they looked after me really well and all nurses were Lovly just rushed off thier feet.

    if you have a lumpectomy of your glands make sure you do the arm exercises even though they hurt. They do help xxx get other people to do your hoovering and carrying of shopping for a few weeks too xxxx

    love to you at this rollercoaster of a time xxxx

  • So ignore my first message I got mixed up with biopsy and lumpectomy so yes chemo brain fog is a real thing lol

  • I had a lumpectomy and axillary clearance as a day case and went home that evening with a drain in for about a week, the district nurse came daily to check everything was ok. It is important to do the excises afterwards. I had my husband and sister who is a nurse and they were a big help. Hope you have some help at home to.

  • Daughter came out of hospital the same day and stayed with us for two days. Pain was manageable with paracetamol. Biggest problem was sleeping comfortably, needed an arrangement of supportive pillows. She got on very well with the post op heart pillow I bought her on Etsy, used it for some time - especially in the car to protect her wound from the seat belt . Overall, she didn't find it nearly as bad as she'd expected. Small wound from lymph gland excision was more of a problem healing than tumour wound, mainly because of where it was. Best of luck with your surgery and recovery. x 

  • Thanks for the advice on the pillow 

    and I’m glad your daughter is now well 

  • I had a lumpectomy a week and a half ago. I was a day case which I couldn’t get my head around but I suppose it’s like having a baby, if you’re well enough, then you can go home. I was asked to come in for 7am that day, only once I was there did I find out I was the second person to be operated on that day (it’s true what they say, it’s like a sausage factory!) I had my best friend with me (highly recommend!) and we gabbed away until it was time to go to theatre. You walk there in your gown and surgical socks! Once in theatre and I had GA, the next thing I knew, I was being woken up in recovery. I was super tired and was likened to being hungover when I phoned my husband afterwards :) Home that evening and watch out for the bumps in the roads….a little pillow for your armpit/chest is highly recommended. Rest, rest and rest. I’m usually very active so it has been frustrating but ‘invest now, save later’ as my friend has told me. I’m still not able to drive, lift heavy stuff etc but accept all offers of help - especially with meals, shopping etc 

  • Hi  

    Recovery will vary from person to person but I was home a few hours after my lumpectomy. Unlike  I was last on the list for the day so was there from 7am until surgery at about 4pm. I was ready to go home and got dressed as soon as I woke up and had a sandwich and cup of tea but my blood pressure was a bit low so they wanted that to be okay before I left.

    Tired and took it steady for a couple of days and gradually built up from there. Was back to most things after two weeks but still being careful. Couple of minor issues solved by needle draining and antibiotics but nothing painful and quickly fixed. By the time I went for my results four weeks later I was totally fine and physically felt as if it had never happened.  

    Best of luck with everything. x 

  • Thanks for sending me this 

    1. Hi Nicky, I had a lumpectomy and Micap reconstruction. I left hospital about four hours after surgery. They tell you not to push, pull, lift and generally put any force through your arms. I was given an exercise sheet and a stash of medication. The WI had donated breast cushions to each patient which was nice. My bust was taped up rather than bandaged so for weeks I couldn't see what it looked like. They tell you not to shower so that the tapes stay dry. My biggest problem was getting out of bed as rising was painful even with medication. I solved this by sleeping in a recliner chair for a couple of weeks. My medication was Paracetamol and Codeine. This helped a lot. Basically you need help for a while so that you can rest and heal. You are advised to exercise a little daily and to increase this gradually. My scar was  bigger than I expected but it has healed well. The Surgeon did a really good job and it looks good. Now it's radiotherapy for 15 sessions as a preventative measure. 
  • Thanks for sending this