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I finished 4 rounds of EC and tomorrow I start 12 weekly rounds of Paclitaxul. I'm a bit nervous as it's something new again. My oncologist said that women tend to tolerate this drug better and I just wondered if anyone had experienced this. The final round of EC hit me quite hard with side effects, especially mouth ulcers, nasal sores and all sorts of problems down below. I'm hoping these issues might resolve in the coming weeks.

  • Hi Dee Dee, I had a similar treatment plan to you. 
    I had 3 rounds of EC and 9x weekly Paclitaxel.

    I found the EC really tough going and was unwell for about 10 days after each treatment. I found that the Paclitaxel much easier but the next treatment seemed to come round so quickly. I felt I had no time to myself.

    I was really tired on the day of treatment, had a flushed face on day 2 (took antihistamine for this) and was almost back to normal on day 3.

    I cold capped throughout my treatment and also iced my hands and feet - I used polybalm on my nails (feet and hands) My nails are great and I only have the slightest CIPN in my big toes- which hopefully will improve over time.

    Time wise you're half way through your chemo treatment...that's great news!!

    sending hugs xx

  • I’ve just finished 12 weeks of Paclitaxel yesterday. I was told I tolerated it well, no affect on my heart function, bloods remained stable, no peripheral neuropathy, nails have been fine. I didn’t feel I had tolerated it well! Lost all my hair because I couldn’t tolerate the cold cap, had dry patchy skin with various rashes, sore eyes, have been exhausted permanently but goodness me the diarrhoea! By far the worst side effect! I didn’t dare plan to go out in the morning until the Loperemide took effect and couldn’t eat too much in case it set me off. I’m so looking forward to not going to the loo 3 or 4 times before breakfast. I think everyone has different reactions, take ALL the pills!