Three weekly EC

  • 2 replies
  • 285 subscribers

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

i have two weeks left of weekly paxo & carbo.. i then start three weekly EC and was just wondering if anyone has any advice on this.. iv heard the sickness is worse with EC.. thanks again. 

  • My daughter found EC the toughest ... nausea was very unpleasant but only really bad for about 48 hours. For her, it was starting by the time she got home from having chemo. She coped with it using the prescribed meds, trying to eat little and often - not worrying about what she was eating, just whatever she fancied. She felt less sick lying down and spent most of the day after chemo doing just that. She always started feeling better on day 3 and was usually able to work again after that.

    It's tough, but I know she would say it's doable and you'll find your own way to cope. Very best wishes for your successful treatment.

  • Thank you for the reply. I’m trying to get mentally prepared but guess we never are til we are in it! 
    Hope your daughter is doing well now. Best wishes