Masectomy after care

  • 5 replies
  • 285 subscribers

Hey all mums just had her masectomy with lymph nodes removed and she has currently two drains. I know you are not allowed to lift heavy objects but are you allowed to lift a kettle any advice greatly appreciated thank you!!

  • Hope it's all gone well.

    I had a bilateral mastectomy and sentinel node removal 10 days ago.

    I was told no heavy lifting and no repetitive tasks such as ironing and vacuuming. 

    As for the kettle, I only lift it if just enough water in for one cup (have been filling it via a bottle rather than taking it to the sink). I also got my family to put everything at a good height for me, ie on the kitchen worktop, so I didn't have to stretch up to get tea, coffee, milk, mugs, cereal, towels, etc.

    All the best to you both. My recovery has been much easier than I thought it would be so far...I keep mobile and doing the exercises I've been given, but getting plenty of rest when I need it...I'm sure your Mum will be the same xx

  • I’m having a mastectomy on Friday and I’m getting everything tk waist height in the kitchen to make it easier to do things. I’m going to try and use the kettle but use the opposite hand and only fill it up a little bit. A bottle is a good idea like nic says. I think showering will be a bit tricky and will be a 2 man job!  

  • Well done looking after your mum. She will be fine. Xx

  • Thank you so much for replying I really appreciate it just want to make sure I’m doing everything right ! Good luck for the op one thing my mum found was a god send after was the cancer bras she said that has made a huge difference good luck xx

  • I had my mastectomy 5th December and I pre ordered a hand bell to get my other half to make me a tea and anything else I wanted for the first week or so Upside down