Post-op advice

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I'm due to have lumpectomy and lymph glands removed beginning of February, day surgery all being well. Just wondered what I should expect recovery wise? I'm making a list of movies I'd love to watch and tv box sets, plus I have a lot of books in my still-to-read pile, as I'm thinking I'll be a few weeks recuperating on the sofa. How long was it after your operation until you felt able to go out? I've no idea what to expect. 

  • Hi HeatherLassie, I had a mastectomy at the end of November and got home the same day. I am 47 and was fairly fit before the op due to having started couch to 5k last January and keeping up running through the year. I went for a short, slow walk the day after the op. Other than the day of the surgery I didn’t spend any days in bed and did around 10,000 steps a day in December (my normal amount). My walking was slower than usual for about a month.  I was pleasantly surprised by my arm mobility. Although I was mobile I was a lot more tired than usual. I remember feeling exhausted by decorating the Christmas tree. I am now back at work and using couch to 5k to ease back into running. Best of luck for your operation, recovery and any later treatment.

  • Hi BF1

    That's great to hear! I'm not one for staying still for long so the idea of sitting on the couch for weeks would be difficult. I'm in good health and keep active so hopefully I'll be like yourself and be able to stay active but at a slower pace. 

    Hope you keep on a good road to recovery. Xx

  • Hi, sorry to hear of your diagnosis and surgery.

    i had a bilateral lumpectomy in Sept (and lymph nodes removed both sides too) and I would say that the first day afterwards I felt rubbish but after that I began to go on walks from about day 2 and move about more around the house. You should not lift anything heavy and you should listen to your body- I rested after each bout of activity! I found the first week ok, but once the nerves ‘woke up’, it was more painful than the numb feeling after surgery so that was difficult at times. 
    I still met up with friends and tried to be a little more active each day though! 
    I did not drive for about 3 weeks after surgery and I would say it was 4-5 weeks before I started to feel more ‘normal’.

    good luck with your surgery x 

  • Hi NikRY02 

    Thank you! The advice about the nerves "waking up" is very helpful - I didn't even know that was a thing. As for driving, I wasn't sure how long to wait but luckily I can manage without my car as long as I can get out for wee walks. 

    I hope your recovery is going well. Xx

  • Thanks for your kind response Blush my recovery been slower than I would like- I’m always in a hurry and I get a bit frustrated with ‘resting’! 
    You will be given exercises to do after surgery which will help aid with recovery- they are boring but necessary. 
    it’s the node removal that can cause issues with the nerves- they wangle stuff about in there and it can damage the nerves but we’re all different and you may not have any issues at all. Because mine was both sides, maybe I felt it more? I defo had more issues with one side over the other!

    Keep up the wee walks- getting out and about was key to my recovery. 

    sending you all best wishes x