Making decision on reconstruction or not

  • 7 replies
  • 287 subscribers

Hi everyone - recent diagnosis and will be having single mastectomy. I just wondered what helped you in deciding on reconstruction or not. Feeling but overwhelmed by the options . 

  • Hi there I’m having a single mastectomy next week but as I’ve been advised I may have radiotherapy that I can’t have reconstruction for 6 months. So this gives me time to consider it. Do you know if you’re having follow up treatment? X

  • Should not need more treatment and they are clear I can have recon at same time if I want it. Offered implants and the tummy tissue one which name I’ve forgotten! 

  • I had a right side mastectomy with immediate diep flap reconstruction (the stomach one). I was told I wouldn't need radiotherapy but am now having it due to how big and close the cancer was to the margins. It's not ideal but they are going to do lower dose over a longer period as it can cause problems with the reconstruction. 

    Whether to reconstruct and with what is a very personal decision. For me I thought it would be better for me mentally if I had the immediate reconstruction so I would go to sleep with boobs and wake up with boobs although different looking ones. It was a long operation and 5 days in the hospital after with what feels like a lengthy recovery. The long operation really affected my immediate recovery and I ended up in the recovery ward for a day rather than the couple of hours they usually do. 

     There was a lady on my ward who also had the diep reconstruction but it was delayed and she seemed to recover much faster than I did. I didn't want 2 major operations 6 months apart which is another reason I opted for immediate reconstruction. 

    Ultimately I'm happy with my choice. The stomach wound is the one that is impacting my recovery more than the mastectomy as I couldn't stand straight for a couple of weeks and I still have sections 6 weeks later that are still open wounds although my team are happy with what's happening. 

  • Hi Flosk, I'm 62 and had diep flap reconstruction in October. I knew straight away this was the route I wanted to take. Since surgery, I have had radiotherapy with no issues. My tummy wound (just a small section) did take a long time to heal. I am now waiting for further surgery to reduce healthy breast to match. I hope you gets lots of information on this site  to help you decide what is best for you. Xx

  • Hi Flosk, I had a mastectomy and sentinel node removal at the end of November without reconstruction. I wanted to minimise surgery and future intervention and didn’t want something artificial put in me. I wouldn’t have been able to keep my nipple or have the same sensation in a reconstruction so, for me, it wouldn’t have resulted in something that felt like my breast. I’m very happy with my flat, straight scar. I am around a B cup so the unevenness isn’t so obvious in winter clothes and most of the time currently I don’t wear anything in my bra on the mastectomy side. It might be different in lighter summer clothes. I’m back at work and running now. I hope your op and treatment go well whatever route you settle on.