Autism and breast cancer

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  • 282 subscribers


Apologies for the long post.. 

In july I found a small lump in my left breast which felt like a grain of rice. I saw a consultant who sent me for an ultrasound, there they did core biopsies of the lump and a suspicious lymph as some looked slightly bigger. The letter to my gp said there was mass. But the mamorgram was clear.

The I had to have and biopsy on the lymph nodes, the lump appeared to be OK just needed taking out. All was looking good, I had surgery on 30th October and then the results on 25th November, I knew it wasn't good nurse when an extra nurse came.

It's was a grade 1 invasive ductual carcinoma, even the surgeon seemed surprised. Because there wasn't a clear margin I'm having and MRI next week (I'm terrified of) which will also show if there is anymore and check the lymph nodes.

At best it's another op to get the clear margin and then radiotherapy, if they need to take to much then it's mastectomy or if it's spread. Because it was hormone driven i'll need hormone supressents

Then because I was only 33 at time of diagnosis I waiting for the results of genetics which should be back in 2 weeks

Doesn't help that I already struggle with anxiety and I have autism.

Can anybody offer me advice? I've got a breast care nurse at the hospital and she's been amazing. 

  • Hi there, and welcome to the Forum. I hope you are recovering ok from your surgery.   You're at that really difficult stage of waiting to know the next steps of your treatment plan and I know I found that very hard, you really just want them to get on with it.  My advice is continue to use your nurse, and if it helps to talk to people, you can always also chat to the lovely folks here at Macmillan who are available on 0800 808 0000.  Best wishes 

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