Mid diagnosis

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  • 286 subscribers

Hey there,

I was seen the day before Christmas eve for my mammogram and ultrasound as per the 2 week pathway. 

They took several biopsies and I was taken into the nurse who saw me first who said has anyone spoken to you... I said no... and she instantly brought out the tissues and said I'm so sorry. 

I asked what she was talking about and she basically said while she cannot 100% confirm until results of biopsies... it looks like cancer. 

Both Mammogram and ultrasound code are showing as a 5 and they've seen over 5 lymph nodes which are enlarged and concerning as well as the dimpling and also lump. 

I am desperate to find some support as I feel like I've been given a partial diagnosis but they won't say for sure.... 

I've since had bloods and mri and ct scan. 

The wait is awful. 

I know we are all different but keen to know others diagnosis from a lump, dimpling and also 5 nodes.... for at least some rough estimate of what could be. 

I keep thinking I've imagined it all.

  • Hi. I'm in exactly the same situation as you.  I was also seen on the 2 week referral on 23rd Dec. Had mammogram , ultrasound and 3 biopsies taken. Initially the consultant on examination said not to worry I'm certain it's just a fatty lump. Seeing him after the ultrasound and being told by the ultrascanist that he didn't like the look of the lump at all, he found a second lump and then an enlarged lymph node. He basically said the initial lump is cancer and the other two are more than likely cancer. I then went back to see the consultant who apologised for his original diagnosis and went on to talk about lumpectomies and either chemo or radiotherapy. 

    I have been given 9th Jan to go back for the results. The waiting is awful. Obviously because of Christmas and New Year it's taking longer than normal for the results to come through. I have it in my mind now that my lumps are malignant because that's kind of what was referred at my initial appointment.  

    Have you a date to go back for your results??

    Be thinking of you. Let me know how you get on. 

  • Oh gosh I'm sorry to hear you are in the same boat but equally soothed that it appears normal in process...despite it being crappy.

    Well they gave me the 16th Jan as follow up for results and plan but I complained and so was given 9th also. 

    Do you mind me asking which part of country you are in?

    My letter dictated that day also says malignant twice in it..... 

  • I'm in Northumberland. I got the clinic letter just after Christmas and from that it says it cancer but then it says we need to wait for results of the biopsies. 

    I'm 2.30 in the afternoon. What time is your appointment. Not that I would wish one on anyone but at least we can be breast buddies. 

  • I’m in a similar position, I was diagnosed on 19 dec but told at my mammogram recall on 5 dec it was highly possible it was cancer. I since had a ct scan and I’m waiting the results this week. My mastectomy is booked for 24 jan. But this is subject to clear ct scan. So I’m diagnosed but not full diagnosis! The waiting is traumatising x

  • Ahh I'm derbyshire .... 3.10pm... absolutely... hoping yours goes well x 

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. The wait is truly traumatising.... I'd have rather be told thanks for coming in, we will see you in January for follow up. Have a lovely Christmas.... this has been awful. 

    Gosh I can't believe they've already booked a mastectomy..... 

    Do you mind me asking what stage you were diagnosed?

    Sending love and hope it's a clear CT.

  • Hi. Just had a phone call. They've changed my appointment to tomorrow afternoon. 

  • My experience was similar - except this all happened in June. I wasn’t expected to be told that day that it was cancer - I then had 4-5 weeks of CT scans, biopsies, more ultrasounds etc before I was seen by the consultant who told me the diagnosis and treatment plan. I was then booked in for chemo two weeks later. 

    it’s a massive shock. Do lean on professional and trained ttherapists at Macmillan and Breast Cancer Now for support. The waiting is the worst but be reassured that if I it is cancer then treatment is on its way. During the uncertain first few weeks I told my parent and partner and manager at work, but i kept it from my primary school aged children and friends until I had a formal diagnosis and treatment plan. Everyone will be different however. Sending best thoughts x 

  • Oh wow. Sending love and light.

  • Gosh so quick which is amazing but so sorry you've had to go through that. 

    What stage were you if you don't mind me asking?