Axillary Lymph node dissection

  • 5 replies
  • 281 subscribers

Hi, saw surgeon today and she plans on removing all axillary lymph nodes while carrying out mastectomy op. Four nodes are affected. I said I’d like some nodes left, to reduce risk of lymphodoema, but she insists on removing them all. She mentioned that NICE are currently weighing up the benefits of removing fewer nodes and having radiotherapy. I’ve read articles saying that this is now the norm in the USA and many other countries, and that there is very little difference in patient outcomes/results compared with people who have total removal. She said that because of my other health issues she needs to remove all of mine. She’s a professor and said she has performed hundreds of breast surgery operations, but I wish she would take my wishes into account, as the thought of having lymphodoema for the rest of my life fills me with dread! Would really appreciate your views - thanks!

  • Sorry, lymphoedema! I was diagnosed last April and told no lymph nodes affected, but the tumour has only shrunk by 2mm and there are now four nodes affected. So Letrazole is keeping it stable but not shrinking it, which is why the surgeon needs to operate soon. I’ve lost some weight, not intentionally, through healthy eating, and unfortunately this means I’m now having a mastectomy instead of a lumpectomy. I realise that not everyone gets lymphodoema but would like to know how people cope with it. Best wishes to everyone x

  • Hi there, it's so difficult balancing our own views, risks and the medial advice.  Have you thought about chatting to one of the Macmillan experts about the options?  They might help you as a bit of an independent sounding board.  You can call the chat line on 0800 808 0000 and whilst they won't make your decision, sometimes it's good to talk things through outside the family and medical team.  Best wishes 

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  • Hi Irishgirl16,

    Thats really good advice - thanks very much! I’m feeling calmer about it all today, and the good news recently was that a ct scan showed that it hadn’t spread. The positive thing is that the Dr said the prognosis is good as it’s all treatable, so maybe it’s just as well that the decision has been made for me. I’ll have to deal with any after effects if they happen, and get the op over with first. May phone the Macmillan experts for a chat anyway. Thanks again and wishing you all the best x

  • My dear friend had all hers removed. She went for regular lymphatic massage after treatment (on medical advice) and has had no problems

    i was told the same by my source on as you. And we went for 4 nodes removed and 15 sessions of radiotherapy 

    good luck 

  • Hi C22, thanks for letting me know about your friend - that’s very reassuring! I hope that you’re doing well now after your operations and radiotherapy. Wishing you all the best x