When do symptoms kick in after EC chemotherapy?

  • 7 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hey, I've been on docetaxil for 4 cycles and I found that symptoms kicked in about 3 days post treatment. I'm changing to EC, wondering if it's the same? How many days "grace" do you get, if any? Thoughts appreciated. 

  • Hi

    When I had EC I felt 'under the weather' straight away and this lasted for about 10 days and then I'd feel fine for the rest of the time before the next chemo.

    I had mine once every 3 weeks. I didn't feel ill but just a bit tired really. After a few days I'd start gentle walks again and found that helped with my energy levels.

    The main side effects I had was losing my hair and sense of taste. Eating spicy food helped with the latter and pineapple always tasted of pineapple!

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  • I had EC every 3 weeks for 4 cycles. I wasnt sick I just felt exhausted. This started from day 3 following treatment and lasted 3 (at most 4) days. I actually found that I didn’t feel as exhausted for the last cycle, maybe the relief as it was the last one. Just rest up lots, if you need to lie down then lie down. 

    1. Thanks. This sort of fits with my experience of docetaxil but everyone is different. I am kind of hoping for at least one or two days post treatment where I don't feel completely pants because I assumed it was the same and just made some plans! If it turns out I'm one of those where it hits me straight away then I will just have to cancel. I have the best excuse! 
  • I had EC x 6  

    I had SE near the end of each infusion . A really strange head ache / eye strain learnt to take painkiller straight away the rest for 15 mins before leaving unit. 
    Would be really. Fatigued but by day ten would feel a lot better .. 

    good luck

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • Thanks heaps. Just such a learning curve! 

  • Thank you! Yes, I'm learning that rest is the way forward! Much to my frustration but there's really no way round it! 

  • I’ve had 3 x EC every 3 weeks. I felt the worse for 3 days after and by 4th day I was generally much better. Just have ongoing fatigue throughout the day