Sentinel Lymph Node affected

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  • 278 subscribers

Received the results today 3 weeks after Lumpectomy.   Letrozole has worked well tumour had shrunk and margins were clear however Stentinel Lymph node  was affected.Now need another op in couple weeks to remove more Lymph nodes. Not the news I wanted to hear and find myself so weepy, want to remain positive but it's like someone's pulled the rug from under my feet. 

  • Morning Elorac, it totally knocks the wind out of your sails doesn’t it.  Waiting for more ops and results is terrifying and exhausting.  I had a mastectomy which came back with sentinel node affected, no one was expecting it.  Then had all nodes out, 29 in total, and waited six weeks to be told no more were affected.  You don’t know what the results will be yet so try and remain positive (I found that very difficult though).  The results might be better than you’re expecting and it’s wonderful news that the letrozole has worked so well on those nasty little cells.   Wishing you good luck for the year ahead xx

  • Hi Lullabelle Thankyou I'm trying to get back some positivity and focus on the fact that the treatment is working., but it was just such a shock. I really thought the sentinel node would be ok as they said they had caught the cancer so early. Can I ask how your recovery went after having all nodes removed. 

  • Yes of course.  It will seem a shock for a while and then you become used to the idea.  I found the lymph node removal a bit strange in terms of how it left my underarm feeling.  I had the sensation of holding a book under my arm for a good six weeks and am numb at the top of my arm (round the back) but I only notice it when it’s touched.  I haven’t had lymphoedema even though I had 29 nodes removed but had a friend with only five removed and she suffered from swelling of the arm.  It’s a strange one.  I’m glad I had them taken out as although there is evidence now that radiotherapy to the nodes is just as effective as removal in some cases, for me it helped me mentally to know for sure there was no more spread.  We are all different though.  I’m two years out from treatment now and all scars are healed well and I’m just extra careful with that arm, but it hasn’t stopped me exercising etc as normal.  Hope that helps x

  • Oh that's reassuring  thankyou  x