Cold cap or not for third cycle of EC chemo

  • 4 replies
  • 282 subscribers


i have lost most of my hair and wondered whether I should bother with cold cap for next chemo cycle on 30th Dec? 
I have coped ok with it with the last two cold caps as I had a lot of hair. Now more like Gollum. 
what is everyone’s experience?

  • Hi

    I have done 4 rounds with the cold cap, and whilst I've lost loads of hair, I can disguise it, and you'd probably never know. I had a good head of hair to begin with and it would be such a shame to lose it all (probably break my heart a little bit) however I think on my next session tomorrow I'm gonna ditch the cold cap! I absolutely, positively hate it. It makes me feel so ill and takes days to recover from it. It's just too much now with all the other side effects hitting me like a tonne of bricks. It's definitely a personal decision that only you can decide.

    They say the cold cap also encourages our hair to grow back quicker so I know some people carry on even if they have lost alot of hair already. If i didn't find it so torturous I would persevere but each round of chemo i say it's the last time with the cap and I think I have finally had enough now. I'm not sure if this has helped you decide but good luck with everything. x 

  • Thank you Jones. 
    as well I’ve come down with a cold and I don’t fancy it now with most hair gone.  Before I had hair in a way to keep me warmer. 
    I’ll see when I get there on Monday. I didn’t find it gruelling and helped to distract me from chemo but my head did hurt after. X

  • Hi Mucca,

    i take paracetamol before the cold cap and have also found out a surgical cap over my hair provides a layer of additional protection. I find it helps me get through the procedure a little bit easier since also losing 2/3rds of my hair. 

  • Just to say good luck today whatever you decide. I really feel for you. I’ve only had one EC chemo and cold capped. 16 days later I’m shedding a little bit. My next is on Thursday. Not sure I would carry on if I lose nearly all unless there was enough left to show out of the bottom of a hat and look ok if that makes sense. Let us know how you get on x