Double mastectomy friendly clothes

  • 3 replies
  • 281 subscribers

Does anyone know of any outlets that sell clothes that have breast pockets built into them or sell clothes that look nice on flat-chested women?  Plus size is needed.

Many thanks

  • Hi  

    I’m Anne, one of the Community Champions here on the Online Community and, although I don't have any recommendations for you, I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list again.

    Hope you have a relaxing Christmas


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi, I have had a double mastectomy. I’m not sure about clothes outlets, but there is a charitable organisation called ‘Flat Friends’. Their website gives loads of ideas and tips for dressing, and in particular, ways of distracting the eye from the chest area. For me personally, those tips work, with several people (who didn’t know me when I had surgery) saying that they had no idea that I’d had a double mastectomy - they had never noticed anything.


  • Hi Cloudier, thank you for your reply. You would think that this might be a business opportunity for someone. On the other hand, most people have reconstructions now. I wasn't given the option BMI and Covid combined to prevent this for me. Now I am happy as I am but apart from silk scarves haven't mastered the art of disguise. x