Why am I on waiting list for surgery.

  • 8 replies
  • 287 subscribers

Hi all 

I have in the last 10 days had surgery for bowel cancer.  All good and just waiting on results    When I had my appointment with the surgeon he said they could see nodules on my breasts.  I was told not to worry and I would be referred to the breast clinic who sent me an appointment 2 days after my surgery which I’ve moved to the 30th.  Today I’ve seen this.  Why would I be on a waiting list for surgery?   

  • Hi  and welcome to the breast cancer forum. I'm sorry you've had this message in the NHS app and it's not very clear. I'd suggest you give your GP a call and ask if they can explain this as that will give you peace of mind.

    I have to say, when I had my first appointment it was with the breast surgeon's clinic, so perhaps this is what it means, rather than actual surgery, but I understand how concerning this is and it's worth getting clarity.   Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • I seem to remember I had a letter saying surgery once which came out of the blue when it was meant to be a consultation. I just gave the secretary on the letter a call and she clarified. 

  • I think it means the breast clinic to do further investigations

  • Hopefully just as a precaution.   I had the same appear on my NHS app as soon as I had been referred to hospital by my GP after finding a lump.  Think it gets you in the system incase surgery is necessary. Fingers crossed that it won't be needed.  Sending hugs.

  • Thank you all for your replies.  I went to my appointment today and I had an examination a mammogram and an ultrasound and thankfully I have cysts which need no further treatment.  As I’ve been diagnosed with bowel cancer they said I will be invited back next year to check again.  It’s a massive weight off my shoulders.  I’m certain it happens that people get more than 1 unrelated cancer but felt harsh.  

  • Delighted to hear your good news, thank you for sharing.   Wishing you all the best for a long and healthy future xxx

  • Wave 

    I’d give them a call tomorrow.

    Could it be for a biopsy maybe? Or maybe to see the breast surgeon/consultant for a plan of action. 

    hope you’re ok, it’s worrying isn’t it.

    maybe the app has been updated before someone’s had a chance to phone you?  what with the Xmas break etc Hearts️

  • Seems like it was just for the scan and mammogram.  I’d fallen out of the system for routine mammogram and because abnormalities were found in my breasts during my CT scan for colon cancer it was my referral.   Went today and a massive sigh of relief when I was told four lumps are cysts.  I had surgery for colon cancer on 12th December so it really was a relief