Results wait after mastectomy and node removal

  • 15 replies
  • 284 subscribers

I had my mastectomy 5th December with the removal of some nodes but I have been told I now have to wait for 4 weeks for my results, is this because its the Christmas period? I was previously told prior to my mastectomy that my cancer had not spread to my nodes but they want to check so depending on results if I need chemo or not, this seems luke such a long wait. 

  • Hi Shelly, i got results from my surgery yesterday, two and a half weeks after my op, but won’t get the oncotype results & discussion with oncologist on next steps in terms of treatment for at least another two weeks though quite likely to be more due to the holidays. Maybe your team has built in time to bring all your results together in one go? Hope it is good news and that you’re able to enjoy Christmas and the new year despite the waiting continuing.

  • Hi I hope you got the results you was hoping for?  

    I didn't know there was different results that you have to wait for? I thought it was just to find out if I need chemo or not? I haven't heard of oncotype results before this is all so new to me. 

  • They do different tests depending on a range of things so you might not have the same tests done as I have. I found it useful to have a look through this before the appointment, it also helped me come up with a list of questions I wanted to ask:

  • Oh thank you for the link I am sure I have that booklet amongst all my other paperwork I've been given, I might invest in a filing cabinet soon lol.

    I hope all is going well with you ? 

  • Hi Shelly,

    I'm currently in the same position as you.  I had lumpectomy and some lymph nodes removed Wednesday.   I have to wait 4 weeks for pathology.   They did warn me that it could take longer due to Christmas.  They've said it doesn't look like mine has spread, but whether I have chemotherapy or not will depend on results.   The waiting is hard! 

    I hope you are recovering well x Sending big hugs x

  • Hi SJ40

    The waiting sure is the hardest part but the run up to Christmas is a distraction every now and then, we just need to cling onto the fact that we've been told it hasn't spread so hopefully we won't have to go through chemo in the new year.

    Sending hugs your way and a speedy recovery from surgery

    We can get through this x 

  • Ha - yes I seem to have a library’s worth of reading. That booklet is one of the most useful things I’ve read. Next on my reading list is the booklet on tamoxifen I got yesterday. Don’t think this is a book group many would want to join!

  • We definitely wouldn't want to join if we had a choice.

    I try to do my research but it can be quite overwhelming including all the jargon that goes with it.

  • Yes, after the appointment yesterday I was worrying about still having tiny bits of cancer in my due to the micrometastases they found in my lymph nodes, it was only hours later that I realised those lymph nodes were removed in the surgery so hopefully there’s no cancer left in me. I had still been thinking along biopsy rather than surgery lines. Feel like I’m learning more and more of a new language every day. 

  • Oh what a relief...what are your next steps now? 

    My surgeon did mention radiotherapy but I'm still in limbo until my results it could end up being both plus hormone blockers.