Mastectomy and Radiotherapy

  • 4 replies
  • 282 subscribers

Hi All

I had a smx in September for ILC. No node involvement and chemo not needed. However the oncologist has recommended 5 days of rads due to the size of the multifocal tumours (4.8cm and 1.8cm). I'm having my 3rd radiotherapy session today but I'm starting to freak out because I've read that most people who've had a mastectomy don't have radiotherapy and recurrence is more likely with radiotherapy to smx side as there's no breast tissue.

I'm just scared that I've been overtreated and the long term effects of radio scares me. I'm literally gripped with fear right now.

Hugs to everyone here xx

  • Most  people have radiotherapy after mastectomy.I had 5 treatments after about 2 months ..this year.Then onto hormone tablets.

  • l had 5 treatments of radiotherapy following a mastectomy February. I feel glad to have it and I believe most people have this even after chemo plus hormone tablets.I don't think you can be over treated really ,less chance of recurrence surely.

  • I’ve got 3 weeks of radiotherapy planned after a mastectomy to come. In my case it cuts the recurrence likelyhood from 25% to 6% - HER2 + Bc. . It’s common to have radiotherapy too I think. 

  • I also had 5 sessions of radiotherapy after my mastectomy. My pre mastectomy biopsy showed high grade DCIS over a large area 7.5 cms and I did hesitate on radiotherapy, thinking I might not need it. But post mastectomy biopsies showed small microinvasions so it became a no brainer. It’s provided to sweep up any stray cells so hopefully gives a bit more reassurance they’ve caught it all. I’ve never heard that it increases the chance of reoccurrence. I think they’d have to disclose this fact pre radiotherapy if it was a true risk. Hope it’s gone ok. Xx